






In addition, the Buddha are to support a full squat enough to kneel on a high-rise on Angiopteris. In addition to this statue of the Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province and Datong in Shanxi Huayan Si, is also rare in China.

Buddhist altar on the left between the shoot and ride as Samantabhadra, the Bodhisattva of two paternity threat, as the leading man hunt, as Fugen before beginning a steep bank and as the child. Buddhist altar on the right side of inter-Blastophagus Manjusri is like riding a lion, a lion led brush Lin, Shi threat of the two Buddha. This is usually left home Monju, the right of abode Fugen configuration is not the same.

Hall two-Blastophagus between the extreme front, a Metropolitan King Kong law, the burly shape, standing on the remote; clad in armor, holding a sword, and glare. And we see in a museum of the Wu Tang Mu figurines unearthed are very similar, but more than the arms figurines unearthed much higher.

Buddhist altar at the extreme left of the right side of King Kong, a plump cheek, do-Fu Zuo, 40-year-old statue of middle-aged women, such as patterns also Wanran Health, ... ...

In addition, the permitted along the gable of the two characters on stage lined with statues Ocean 500. According to the East hall 37 years ago Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1558 AD) on October 23 For Guang Temple rebuilt fill plastic tablets Ocean cloud, is really the Ming Dynasty relic.

East hall large amount of column arch eye on the pieces of wall paintings, are also relics of the Tang Dynasty. The most precious is the right time inside the inter-column banner on the forehead. Wang divided into three groups: a group of middle-centered to the Buddha, Bodhisattva Seven Samurai threat. About two to Buddha as the center, next to the Buddha have also, the King, flying and so on. The wall at both ends of monks and laymen have support like that is put on a line north of Sha Seng Tu, south of the robes was a big crown of the civil service. There are one, seems to weigh in length, on the mouth of the beard if floating in the air moving, with the Dunhuang paintings of figures little different. In addition to the green color of the murals, Shen An iron are blue. The profile Portrait of the Yi Wen is extremely smooth, with a charm in the Tang Dynasty, and face painting and calligraphy of the beard, but also with the legacy Han Stone Carvings


出场人物:国王 王后 王妃 魔王 精灵 people at show:king, queen, king's concubine,king of devil, elf 旁白:王妃怒火中烧,回到了寝室找魔镜。narrator: queen is in rage, back to her bedroom for her magical mirror.手下:主人,怎么了 subordinate: my lord, what's up 王妃:不就是...

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第二幕 Action two 出场人物:国王 王后 王妃 魔王 精灵 Start personages: King Queen Imperial concubine Prince of the Devils Spirit 旁白:王妃怒火中烧,回到了寝室找魔镜。Aside: The imperial concubine burns with anger , has got back to the bedroom to look for the magic mirror....

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1monkeys' bananas 2ants' breakfast 3mom's(mother's) bag(wallet钱包)4sister's dress 5girls' apples
