"Greek mythology," the book I had very little time to read that in the past may not be able to understand. Now re-look at this book, I feel different.
I know that in the Chinese fairy tale, the gods of China can not have feelings, in particular, is strictly prohibited and the feelings of the ordinary happened, it was guilty of days of the article. The so-called Article days is guilty of violating the laws of heaven. China's Cowboy Girl, Dong Yong and seven fairy tale of love, and so on, are very beautiful and very touching, but the outcome is miserable.
Greek mythology, the gods are different. They have the same emotional person, compared with closer to human beings. To the supremacy of Zeus, do not have the power to under small god Like they have been allowed to someone's feelings, and other gods can even feelings of the ordinary happened. It is said that many well-known Greek hero is the descendant of God, God has a descent.
Greek mythology the gods were not only some of the same feelings, but also to participate in the world of human strife. The famous Trojan War in Homer's description of the history of God and God is God and the people fighting between. God will be the same injury, will be bloodshed, will be sad tears. The real human beings, and human beings are the only difference is that they can be forever young, dead body, or that China and the myth of the god are the same.
I do not like the only thing is that they can understand the complicated love life and marriage. I understand that the Chinese and foreign historical and cultural backgrounds are different, however, incest or the things you like the whole world. Re-opening of the country will not be allowed to marry the father of women, married mother of children, right? Some may sound ridiculous. Siblings or marriage between brother and sister of a precedent, ancient Egypt's royal family is not a pure question of origin in order to practice it.
In short, the story of Greek mythology behind the many hidden truths and wisdom, it is necessary for us to taste slowly, slowly digested.
I know that in the Chinese fairy tale, the gods of China can not have feelings, in particular, is strictly prohibited and the feelings of the ordinary happened, it was guilty of days of the article. The so-called Article days is guilty of violating the laws of heaven. China...
在这个愉快又有意义的假期里我读了一本(希腊的神话和传说)的书 这本书主要讲古希腊神话故事充满智慧和神奇的色彩,讲述的是宙斯统制天国时期围绕诸神和英雄们发生的曲折跌宕的故事,主要包括神的故事和英雄的传说。 神话中的英雄具有神的超人的力量,但他们不是神。只有少数英雄经过奋斗,得到宙斯的肯定...
应该强调指出,希腊神话的核心是以人为本。神话赞美人的美好,痛斥神的邪恶,歌颂劳动,歌颂生活,坚信世人自身的力量。人,就是社会的希望。 当我读了《希腊神话故事》这本书之后,不禁佩服希腊人的想象力。他们把国内的最高山脉,即奥林匹斯变成众神居住和生活的洞天福地;把种种的自然现象视为神的指示本意,从中来揭示...
以下是我整理的《希腊神话故事》读后感,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 我非常喜欢看《希腊神话故事》,因为它充满了智慧和神奇色彩。书中讲述的是宙斯统治天国时期,围绕诸神和英雄们发生的曲折跌宕的故事,主要包括神的故事和英雄的传说。 我印象最深的是普罗米修斯。他是被宙斯废黜的老一代神的后裔,是地母该亚与尤拉...