
John, David and James were three brothers. Every year on their mother's birthday, they sent her expensive presents. They liked to show her how rich they were.
The oldest brother, John, decided to give his mother a perfect (完美) present. He thought it must be more expensive than his brothers’.
So he put an advertisement(广告) in the newspapers: WANTED-THE ERFECT PRESENT FOR A RICH WOMAN. For many days people phoned him from all over the country. Each of them wanted to sell him" the perfect present". But John didn't like any of them at all.
Then, less than a week before his mother's birthday, a man came to his office. He was carrying a cage with a large bird in it. "This bird," the man said, "can speak ten languages and sing any popular song. There's no other bird like it in the world. "With these words, he asked the bird to speak to John in French, tell him a joke in Japanese and sing a famous popular song. John was very happy.
"I'll buy it. How much do you want?" John said. "One hundred thousand dollars," the man said. This was a lot of money, but John paid him. Then he sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.
The day after his mother's birthday he phoned her. "Well, mother," he asked, "what do you think of the bird?" "Oh, very delicious, dear," she answered.

1.Why did the three brothers send their mother expensive presents?
A.She liked them very much.
B.They wanted to show her they were very rich.
C.They wanted to send their best wishes to her.

2.What did John decide to buy for his mother?
A.An expensive cage with a delicious bird in it.
B.Something much better than David's.
C.A perfect birthday present.

3.Why did so many people phone John?
A.They hoped to sell him the present he wanted.
B.They wanted to wish his mother a happy birthday.
C.They didn't know who had put the advertisement in the newspapers.

4.What happened to the bird at last?
A.It was asked to sing popular songs every day.
B.It flew out of the cage.
C.It was eaten by John's mother.

5.How do you think John would feel after his mother answered his telephone call?

A.Worried B.Sad C.Afraid

最古老的哥哥,约翰,决定给他母亲一个完美(完美)本。他认为必须更昂贵的比他的兄弟' 。
于是,他把一个广告(广告)在报纸上:通缉,当前的ERFECT享受丰富的女人。对于许多人打电话几天他从全国各地。他们每个人都希望出售他的“完美的存在” 。但约翰不喜欢任何人在所有。
接着,不到一个星期之前,他母亲的生日,一名男子来到他的办公室。当时他手持一个笼子有大量鸟类在它。 “这鸟, ”他说, “可以说10种语言唱任何流行歌曲。没有其他的鸟喜欢它在世界上。 ”随着这些话,他问了禽流发言约翰在法国,告诉他一个笑话在日本,唱著名的流行歌曲。约翰感到非常高兴。
“我买它。多少钱,你想干什么? ”约翰说。 “一个十万美元, ”他说。这是很多钱,但约翰付给他。然后,他发出了禽流他母亲的生日卡。
第二天他母亲的生日,他打电话给她的。 “嗯,妈妈, ”他问道, “您怎么看鸟? ” “噢,非常可口,亲爱的, ”她回答。


第1个回答  2008-11-01