

注意 选择性的

the same problem
different from Chinese
Practice makes perfect
listen to
keep on talking
use the words,phyrases and sentences
know more about foreign cultures

Dear Li Jun

You have some difficulty in studying English, especially in speaking.__________________________...(这段)

I wish these suggestions could help you.
Best wishes

Well,I have the same problem ,for English is quite different from Chinese .But ,as it goes,"Practice makes perfect ".I suggest you listen to English songs and tapes often and keep on talking ,using the words,phyrases and sentences you learned.Practising is very important.By doing this ,you will
know more about foreign cultures
第1个回答  2008-11-06
晕 可以全用不

Dear LiJun,
You have some difficulty in studying English, especially in speaking.Take it easy.Many Chinese have the same problem as you do.You should know that English study is different from Chinese.As is known to all, practice makes perfect.First, you ought to make a lot of practise.You can listen to VOA or BBC. Then you should keep on talking, using the words,phrases and sentences you obtain. It is really important to take plenty of oral conversations.

I wish~~~~~~~~~~~~~

you will know more about foreign cultures

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