

第1个回答  2013-12-18
Streamlined Virtualization Dell’s most energy efficient Blade solution, the PowerEdge M605 offers outstanding virtualization performance in a 2-socket blade server combined with factory integrated virtualization capabilities. Dell continues to simplify virtualization by streamlining virtualization deployment and providing ease of use in virtual infrastructures. By factory integrating VMware�0�3 ESXi 3.5, customers receive VMware capabilities and migration of virtual machines within a few clicks of a mouse.
Our virtualization-ready server configurations provide an easy path to virtualization through factory-integrated hypervisors and recommended hardware configurations that support an ideal virtual infrastructure. 有效率的虚拟化机制戴尔公司最具能效的“刀锋”解决方案,PowerEdge M605服务器在双插槽“刀锋”服务器的基础上结合了原厂整合的虚拟化性能。戴尔公司继续通过合理化虚拟化机制的部署,以及增进虚拟化组织架构的易用性等手段,来实现对虚拟化机制的简化。通过原厂整合的VMware�0�3 ESXi 3.5虚拟机软件,客户只需点几下鼠标,便可体验到VMware虚拟机程式的能力,并可在不同平台之间实现虚拟机的迁移。我们的虚拟化准备就绪的服务器在配置上提供了一条通往虚拟化的捷径,它是通过原厂整合的管理程式和完美支持虚拟架构的硬件配置得以实现的。 Easy Expandability and ManageabilityWith blade servers expanding your data center has never been easier. Once you have installed a blade enclosure, adding an additional server is as simple as sliding in a new blade and powering it up. Coupled with the Altiris�0�3 Deployment Solution for Dell servers, and Dell Management Console, Dell blades are one of the easiest to deploy and manage in the industry. 简易的可扩展性和可管理性有了“刀锋”服务器,扩展你的数据中心将会变得前所未有地简单。每一次你安装了一个“刀锋”配件,额外加装一台服务器就会简单到只需将之置入一个新的“刀锋”空位之中并打开它的电源。通过针对戴尔服务器的 Altiris�0�3 部署解决方案以及戴尔管理控制台,戴尔的“刀锋”是行业上最易于部署和管理的服务器解决方案之一。 Optimized SolutionThe M605 blade server is paired with the M1000e modular blade enclosure for an optimized blade solution. The M1000e is designed from the ground up to combat IT complexity to deliver unbeatable levels of energy efficiency and flexibility. Designed to support future generations of Dell blade servers and technologies, your M1000e investment is protected for the future. 最佳化的解决方案M605“刀锋”服务器通过搭配M1000e标准模块式“刀锋”配件来实现最佳化的“刀锋”解决方案。M1000e的设计是基于对抗信息技术复杂性的立场,来实现无与伦比的能效性和灵活性水准。通过在设计上支持未来的戴尔“刀锋”服务器和技术,从而在将来的立场看来保障了你对M1000e的投资。 Software Message 1"The size of the dump device ""must be either 0 or greater than or ""equal to the default value." 软件消息1“转储设备的容量”“必须是大于或者等于0”“等于默认值” Software Message 2"The pool size must be ""between the minimum and maximum sizes ""shown above, plus the space required ""for swap and dump." 软件消息2“该层的大小必须是”
“供交换和转储” .Troubleshooting: Reduced ixgbe Driver Performance in &Solaris10Update8; (6847913) The ixgbe driver has 8 RX queues by default. The multiple RX queues result in reduced driver performance in the promiscuous mode when compared to a single RX queue in the &Solaris10Update6; and &Solari10Update7; releases. Multiple RX queues create kernel contentions. These kernel contentions might contribute to poor ixgbe performance in the &Solaris10Update8; release.Workaround: Set the ixgbe RX and TX queue values to 1. Perform the following steps:1. Edit the /kernel/drv/ixgbe.conf configuration file.2. Reboot the system 故障排除:“ixgbe”驱动程序在Solaris10第8次更新系统(6847913)中的性能降低
第2个回答  2013-12-18
Qiujiao master the contents of the following computer science translated into Chinese, do not line machine translation, and I am a graduate of English major, so do not take the results of machine translation so that everyone laughing stock once again stressed, do not machine translation, expert help is difficult for a reward ! ! ! !
第3个回答  2013-12-18

计算机专业英语翻译为 "Computer Science English"。解释:1. 计算机专业英语指的是在计算机科学领域使用的专业术语和表达方式。这些术语和表达方式在计算机专业的学习、研究和应用中扮演着重要角色。2. "Computer Science" 是计算机科学领域的通用术语,涵盖了计算机编程、数据结构、算法、操作系统、网络等多个...



计算机专业英语 翻译
Computer major 计算机专业 本专业是计算机硬件与软件相结合、面向系统、侧重应用的宽口径专业。通过基础教学与专业训练,培养基础知识扎实、知识面宽、工程实践能力强,具有开拓创新意识,在计算机科学与技术领域从事科学研究、教育、开发和应用的高级人才。本专业开设的主要课程有:电子技术、离散数学、程序设计...

LSI -- Large Scale Integration -大规模集成电路 SLSI -- Super-Large Scale Integration --超大规模集成电路 notetook -- A portable computer small enough to use on one's lap. --笔记本电脑 PDA -- personal digital assistant --个人数字助理 monnitor --- A device that accepts video ...

英语解释:1.a player that can play music,vedios and other materials recorded in digital form or in numbers.2.a digital music player is a player that can music recorded in the digital form.3.a digital video camera is a camera that keeps recordings in the digital form.4.a ...

The computer is accepts the input according to the instruction, the processing data-in and produces the information electronic installation. Four type computer: Miniature machine, small machine, large-scale machinery and giant airplane. the computation function solves a series of problems, ...

Based on single - key cryptography for authentication

”计算机科学系”-Computer Science ”计算机科学与技术专业”-computer science & technology 英语中,department-系,major-专业 但在翻转有名词时,这两个词是不出现的。希望对你有帮助。

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