

Dim a(1 To 9) As Boolean
Dim win As Boolean, begin As Boolean, haveload As Boolean, start As BooleanPrivate Sub Command1_Click()
start = True: begin = False
For i = 1 To 9
a(i) = False
Next i
End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()
a(9) = True
Label1(0).Visible = False
Me.Height = 4400
Me.Width = 4000
Scale (0, 0)-(3, 3.3)
If haveload = False Then
haveload = True: start = True
Command1.Top = 3: Command1.Left = 2
Command1.Width = 1: Command1.Height = 0.3
Command1.Caption = "开始"
For i = 1 To 9
Load Label1(i)
Next i
End If
For i = 1 To 9
Label1(i).Height = 1
Label1(i).Width = 1
Label1(i).Visible = True
Label1(i).Top = (i - 1) \ 3
Label1(i).Left = (i - 1) Mod 3
Label1(i).Caption = Str(i)
Label1(i).BackColor = QBColor(i)
Label1(i).FontBold = True
Label1(i).FontSize = 40
Next i
Label1(9).Caption = "": Label1(9).BackColor = vbWhite
For i = 1 To 500
r% = Int(9 * Rnd) + 1
Call Label1_Click(r)
Next i
begin = True
End SubPrivate Sub Label1_Click(index As Integer)
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
If start = True Then
If a(index) = False Then
x1 = (index - 1) Mod 3: y1 = (index - 1) \ 3

If x1 - 1 > -0.2 Then
If a(x1 + y1 * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 * 3, index)
End If
If x1 + 1 < 2.2 Then
If a(x1 + y1 * 3 + 2) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 * 3 + 2, index)
End If
If y1 - 1 > -0.2 Then
If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 - 1) * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + (y1 - 1) * 3 + 1, index)
End If
If y1 + 1 < 2.2 Then
If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 + 1) * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + 1 + (y1 + 1) * 3, index)
End If
End If
win = True
For i = 1 To 8
If Val(Label1(i).Caption) <> i Then win = False
Next i
If win = True And begin = True Then MsgBox ("恭喜你成功了"): begin = False: start = False
End If
End Sub
Sub yidong(x, index)
Label1(0).Caption = Label1(index).Caption
Label1(index).Caption = Label1(x).Caption
Label1(x).Caption = Label1(0).Caption
a(index) = True: a(x) = False
Label1(0).BackColor = Label1(index).BackColor
Label1(index).BackColor = Label1(x).BackColor
Label1(x).BackColor = Label1(0).BackColor
End Sub
第1个回答  2014-01-11
Dim v As Boolean '是否第一次按下运算符Dim s As String '存放上一次按的运算符Dim x As Double '存放第一个操作数Dim y As Double '存放第二个操作数Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)If Form1.Tag = "T" Then If Index = 10 Then Text1.Text = "0" Else Text1.Text = Command1(Index).Caption End If Form1.Tag = ""Else a = Text1.Text Text1.Text = a & Command1(Index).CaptionEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)Form1.Tag = "T"If v Then x = Val(Text1.Text) v = Not vElse y = Val(Text1.Text) Select Case s Case 0 Text1.Text = x + y Case 1 Text1.Text = x - y Case 2 Text1.Text = x * y Case 3 If y <> 0 Then Text1.Text = x / y Else MsgBox "除数不能为0!", 32, "error" End If End Select x = Text1.TextEnd If s = IndexEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Form1.Tag = "T"y = Text1.TextSelect Case s Case 0 Text1.Text = x + y Case 1 Text1.Text = x - y Case 2 Text1.Text = x * y Case 3 If y <> 0 Then Text1.Text = x / y Else MsgBox "除数不能为0!", 32, "error" End If End Select x = Text1.Text y = 0 v = False s = 5End Sub


著名的Hello World程序:Module Module1 Sub Main()Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")End Sub End Module


vb6代码如下,添加模块,工程--属性--启动对象选择sub main Sub main()Open "c:\\temp\\25.txt" For Input As #1 Clipboard.Clear Clipboard.SetText StrConv(InputB(LOF(1), 1), vbUnicode)End Sub

下面这些代码是一个小小的整人程序: Private Sub Form_Load()Me.Left = -10000 Me.Top = -10000 Do While 1 = 1 Me.Visible = Not Me.Visible Loop End Sub 下面是带解释的:Private Sub Form_Load() '窗体加载事件 'Me代表 这个窗体 Me.Left = -10000 '设置这个窗体的左边与屏幕的左边...

求一个小程序 VBS VB C++ .NET 均可。程序很简单就是移动文件。可惜我不...
大概思路如下:Option Explicit Public Box As New FileSystemObject Public Fol As Folder Public Fil As File Dim filName As String '这个记录拖动文件到图标里后所得到文件路径及名称 Private Sub Form_Load()filName = ""filName = Command$ '获取拖入的文件 If filName = "" Then '没有拖入...

回答:Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Static x As Integer If (x = 0) Or (x > 10) Then x = 2 Cls Print x x = x + 1 End Sub

vb6.0怎么制作一个抽奖小程序? vb6.0抽奖器的制作方法

vb 制作一个小程序,标题栏带有问号按钮,怎么点击这个按钮进入我设计的窗...
1、首先,双击窗体空白处进copy入代码窗口。2、然后我们在事件中找到百Click事件。3、这个度时候开始编写代码测试【问Print "我是Click单击答属性!"】。4、然我们开始运行测试。5、启动后,我们在窗体空白处单击。6、这个时候我们将可以看到测试的效果。

Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Load() Randomize Label1.Caption = Int((Rnd * (999999 - 100000 + 1)) + 100000) '生成100000-999999之间的随机数 Timer1.Interval = 1000 '一秒一次 Timer1.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer() Static n As Integer ...
