

Shaanxi Province Huanglongxian farmers through surveys of rural cooperative medical wishes to study the new rural cooperative medical insurance and insurance capacity will study the impact of rural cooperative medical system in the main factors for farmers and rural cooperative medical system evaluation and development of a new type of rural cooperative medical system, in order to better promote new rural cooperative medical system, and better services for farmers, for farmers to reduce the "medical difficulty, your doctor" provide help. Methods : through Shaanxi Province and the 175 farmers Huanglongxian five - to-face inquiries into people's homes for the records survey, multiple applications Logistic regression analysis methods to farmers in rural cooperative medical insurance will and the analysis of the factors affecting insurance. Result : economic level, education, the local medical technology satisfaction of the rural cooperative medical confidence, age structure, land protection, health extent own will go elsewhere, children's education, to the cognitive level of rural cooperative medical insurance will be affected farmers of the main factors; Rural cooperative medical system still exist many improvements. Conclusion : Through this survey, I think, increase the rural cooperative medical propaganda, increase their income level, the strengthening of rural cooperative medical care system is to enhance the management of farmers in rural cooperative medical enthusiasm effective measures. Furthermore, the survey data for Huanglongxian rural cooperative development with the relevant medical data

老人谦卑地接受孩子的好意,谦卑中带有某种隐而不露的自豪感。晚餐时(吃的是大米饭和黑蚕豆)他们总会谈论在运气好的日子里一起捕获的大鱼,或是谈论美国的棒球赛和伟大的狄马吉奥。夜间桑提亚哥一个人躺在自己的小棚屋里,梦见非洲海滩上的狮子,几年前他航海去过那个地方。他不再梦见自己死去的老婆了。 在第八十五...

在我们处于“beeen a rock and a hard place”这样的困境之前,在我们不得不做出一个生或者死的决定之前,让我们思考这样的问题。求翻译,急~^_^~ no matter where you are or how short the ride is. 不论你在哪儿或者路程有多短 S at all s signs and obey traffic lights just as ...


...英语高手们帮忙将这篇自我介绍译成英文。我将感激不尽! 感谢...
各位老师,大家下午好!能够参加此次面试,我感到非常的荣幸。现在我的心情十分激动,也有一点紧张。如果表达得不好,还请各位老师多多包涵!Good afternoon, dear teachers. It’s my great honor to have so good an opportunity to attend the interview. I’m a little excited and nervous as wel...

最后,祝毕业顺昨,每天都在进步!正式答辩开始,下面是我的部分发言: 尊敬的评委老师以及在座的各位同学:大家早上好。我是X级XX专业的XX,很高兴在这里论文答辩,希望今天能为我20年的学生生涯画上一个完满的句号。(这句可是我琢磨了半天的经典啊) 下面,论文答辩 论文答辩ppt 论文答辩技巧,就我毕业论文的选题原因,...

大家好,有哪位高人可以帮我翻译一下 英语啊 非常着急 万分感谢!! 谢谢...
1、My family runs a costume factory which is managed well with about 40 workers.2、I'm sorry. I am really nervous. Could you please say it again in Chinese? Thank you.3、Because my parents support me to study in America, they afford all the money I need there.4、I like...

1, Sichuan location.(Located in China's southwestern Sichuan Province, an area of 485,000 square kilometers and a population of about 86.42 million. With Chongqing, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, Guizhou and the Tibet Autonomous Region border. Sichuan vast territory and abundant ...

毕业论文的摘要怎么加进目录啊 具体步骤可以说一下吗 感谢

水帘洞,位于江苏省连云港市花果山.星期六早上7:30在校门乘车。旅途要话费了时左右,约8:30到达花果山 来到花果山,只见雄伟的大门上刻着几个刚劲有力的大字--花果山,下面刻着一个大猴头,两旁还刻着几个小猴头。花果山最高峰-玉女峰海拔625.3米,是江苏省最高峰。走过了一个铁板桥,便来到...

拜托!!谁可以帮我找到这篇文言文的译文。非常感谢!!!急啊!!! 左光斗...
一、原文 杨涟劾魏忠贤,光斗与其谋,又与攀龙共发崔呈秀赃私,忠贤暨其党咸怒。及忠贤逐南星、攀龙、大中,次将及涟、光斗。光斗愤甚,草奏劾忠贤及魏广微三十二斩罪,拟十一月二日上之,先遣妻子南还。忠贤诇知,先二日假会推事与涟俱削籍。群小恨不已,复构文言狱,入光斗名,遣使往逮。...
