就是封面是乘蓝色,下着雪有个雪人的,里面内容包括语文/数学/英语/生物/历史/地理的一本七年级《寒假作业》,我只要英语部分的答案(P40~P56,NO.1~NO.8) ,当然,你透露一些历史答案也可以加钱,利赏金额:50~100
P49 横着的 (1)I attend listening the music every day I attend aconcert yesterday Iwill go shopping in threeday (2)He often explains to the guests products He explainad that he had been cheated two days ago He will to everyboby explains tomorrow (3)He often steal something I saw a thief steal something yesterday Tomorrow ,Do know will have the thief steal (4)He often invite his friend I invite my friend go shopping I will invite my families go shopping 2、twenty five Sixty 40 precent
P50 To go south to the left until you get after Yi Tian Road to go straight and turn a corner and then go straight to the north to the concert hall.
P51 He went to the reception
He at the reception
He from the reception out of
She onto of the table
On the table there is onething
One thing that tipped off the ground
Thing black in the car above
Thing black belove in the car
He stood in front of the car
He stood behind the car
He between the two vehicles
He into home
He in home
He out of from home
2.Honest friendly hummorous Because thisfriend Would give people a pleasant sense is very easygoing
二:1.北京人 山顶洞人
四:⑴ABCD ⑵E ⑶F 69页 CDCDD
二:1.世袭 2.约公元前1600;约公元前1046 3.世袭制;分封制;宗法制 4.齐恒公;晋文公;楚庄王 5.齐、楚、燕、韩、赵、魏、秦 三:1.商都;周;春秋争霸;战国 2.屈原;孙武;韩非;孔子 3.司母戊鼎;三星堆青铜立人像;战国时期的铁制农具;牛尊 四:1-E 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-F 6-D 72页 DCBAC 二:1.丞相、太尉、御史大夫 2.大海;陇西;长城;南海 3.政治、经济、军事、思想 三:秦始皇 班超 华佗 蔡伦 四: 1B 2A 3D 4C 五:秦统一 起义 西汉第四单元 政权分立与民族融合一、独一无二1(D) 2(C) 3(C) 4(D) 二、缺一不可1 曹丕、魏、刘备、汉、孙权、吴2 学汉语、改汉姓、穿汉服、学礼法、用官制、联姻3 雨量充沛、气候较热、土地肥沃三、火眼金睛1.(淝水之战)(赤壁之战)2.(女史箴图)(兰亭序)(洛神赋图)四、千丝万缕(1)孙权、曹丕、拓跋宏、苻坚(2)贾思勰(3)王羲之、顾恺之(4)祖冲之五、古往今来魏 220年蜀 221年吴 222年西晋(时间226年) 东晋317年
P49 横着的 (1)I attend listening the music every day I attend aconcert yesterday Iwill go shopping in threeday (2)He often explains to the guests products He explainad that he had been cheated two days ago He will to everyboby explains tomorrow (3)He often steal something I saw a thief steal something yesterday Tomorrow ,Do know will have the thief steal (4)He often invite his friend I invite my friend go shopping I will invite my families go shopping 2、twenty five Sixty 40 precent
P50 To go south to the left until you get after Yi Tian Road to go straight and turn a corner and then go straight to the north to the concert hall.
P51 He went to the reception
He at the reception
He from the reception out of
She onto of the table
On the table there is onething
One thing that tipped off the ground
Thing black in the car above
Thing black belove in the car
He stood in front of the car
He stood behind the car
He between the two vehicles
He into home
He in home
He out of from home
2.Honest friendly hummorous Because thisfriend Would give people a pleasant sense is very easygoing
zero point two five six piont zero three sixty centigrade six pointi five nine one thousand five hundred and seventy one one sixth three fifth P48 what's your favorite sports?A man steal from a tourist a purse They did catch the thief Our class consist of 40 stude...
深圳市七年级《寒假作业》答案 深圳报业集团出版社
三、一毛不拔、一掷千金、一落千丈、一手遮天、一本万利、一盘散沙 四、菊花、桃花、杏花杨柳、杨花 一、jiang(4)dian(4)ti(1)pa(2)bing(3)fei(3)奢雏迭堕濯猝DCD 一、嘹xu(4)niang(4)he(2)礴匐吗寐镶liao(2)CBB 三、哭:儿的生活好痛苦,一点儿也没有吃的,多病...
...初一寒假作业深圳报业集团出版社53-54页 快快快 很急呀!!!_百度...
走进大门的右侧是问讯处(formation desk)。鹦鹉馆紧挨着问讯处。如果需要饮料或想吃点东西,小吃部(cafeteria)就在鹦鹉馆的后面,所以有些嘈杂。狮虎山与鹦鹉馆相对,狮子在前,老虎在后。斑马在进大门左侧的第一个房子里。大象房正对着大门,而猴山则在挨着大象房的左角侧。袋鼠馆则在鹦鹉馆过去,...
深圳报业集团出版社七年级上册寒假作业语文数学英语科学历史与社会全部答案2011年1月份的,好的加悬奖金10 事先申明:好的加悬奖金100,乱发的绝对不给,《寒假作业》编写组编写,深圳报业集团出版社,责任编辑:孙艳、责任技编:陈静莹...定价10:00元的,ISBN978-7-80709-298-8,,,978... 事先申明:好的加悬奖金100...
今年的寒假作业答案 七年级 深圳报业集团出版社!!!(高手留步) 跪求啊...
6.《中国石拱桥》的语言精炼、准确;本文语言典雅、舒和。三 8.BCAD 9.陋室 黄鹤楼 岳阳楼 承天寺 第四单元 一 ni xi lan bo yin yan 咎 绮 藩 褶 衍 翩 A C D 二 6.仿生手 生动形象地写出仿生手的神奇,吸引读者 7.不可以,这个词表示时...
2011七年级寒假作业答案 全部都要 特别是英语
5楼的哪一位实在不好意思深圳报业集团出版社你是写对了但是你写的我已经写的而且我要的是全部特别是英语哦... 5楼的哪一位 实在不好意思 深圳报业集团出版社你是写对了 但是你写的我已经写的 而且我要的是全部 特别是英语哦 展开 45个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗?
3、105度 4、0 5、(P-XQ)6、5\/1 7、-23 8、7.5 9、 4或2 10、0.5X+3)80%=16.8 11、a=-2 12、互为倒数 13、2.51乘(10的5次方) 14、 0 15、不大于4 选择:1B2C3D4C5D6C7C8A9C10C11B 计算题:1、-13 2、30 3、2003 4、-2又2分之1 5、9 6、X=-5分之3 ...
Ts tall your father or short? It is not Mary's English book.How much is Tom's new watch?4.CABGJDFEHI P13 1.sit old big differebt short 2.ACCCC 3.in the What is How old 4.AABCA P19 1.CBBC 2.Tom often helps me do my homework. She is in her ...
- 1 -《寒假作业》七年级参考答案语 文第一单元一、1.略 2.嶙;伫;啜;sǒnɡ;zhàn;jīn 3.C 4.A 5.C二、6.(参考答案)一个小男孩被做保姆的妈妈带去参加主人的晚宴,妈妈把他安排在洗手间独自享用晚餐,后来在主人的带动下,很多客人挤到洗手间和小男孩共享晚餐。 7.(参考答案)我始终记得,多年以前,...