
写人的就行 用词不要太简单 100字 谢谢

Hello,everyone.It is a great pleasure for me to be here today.I want to introduce my English teacher to you.
My English teacher Mrs.Zhang is a good teacher in my mind.She loves us and treats us as
her own children.Patient and responsible,she is always ready to help anyone poor in English and encourage them to catch up with others.And she is happy whenver we make progress.S he loves English and really engoys treacheing.Learning a foregin language may be broing but it becoms interesting in Mrs.Zhang's class,because she has a way to make her class lively and sometimes full of humor.She aims to improve our proficiency(熟练程度)in listeningspeaking,writing and reading.The results are impressive.(值得称赞)
That's all,Thank you for your attention.




She is tall and she has long black hair.She was beautiful and considerate in my heart.

第1个回答  2013-02-20
A person I will never forget
The person I shall never forget is my junior high English teacher, Linda. She speaks beautiful English and her lessons are interesting. What's more important, she always encouraged us to practise more. We often did pair work, group work, discussions and reports. She also brought us a lot of really nice English songs and chants. We never found it boring to learn English. There were always games, competitions and laughter in our English class. As a result, everyone in our class loves English and does well in it.
Linda, my beloved junior English teacher is the person I will never forget.

第2个回答  2013-02-20
我的妈妈 平时,妈妈关心我的时间比较少,但对我很严厉。有一次我在家不好好地写作业,妈妈生气了,狠狠地批评了我,还打了我一下。但过一会儿,妈妈轻言细语地问我:“还疼吗?”我摇了摇头说:“不疼。”妈妈把我搂在怀里,心疼地说:“妈妈不该打你。”顿时,我的眼泪刷刷地流了下来。我在心里想:妈妈是为了我好啊! 这就是我的妈妈,我爱妈妈。200字,有点简单,别介意