If that you loved give up you, please unlock oneself, let oneself have an opportunity to love others!
1.我今天早上坐错车了(说话的时候是在晚上,所以应该都用过去式吧?!),那车是往反方向走的,我赶紧下车,然后又问路人那一辆吃是对的,他们说然我上马路对面坐车,结果我今天用了一个多小时才到学校,迟到了 I took wrong bus this morning. It was going to the opposite direction. I ha...
Hello, are you Mr. Zhang's girlfriend? I am an employee of his comany, he is so kind, please cherish each other. His cellphone is lost, and picked up by me. I saw that he sent messages to you everyday
Now it is ver hot in China.I have a bad piece of news to tell you.That is my English has not been greatly improved.
the unique and daintily points in construction.2.为了大自然能多一份美丽,我们一定要珍惜,爱护这一美丽的地方.In order to add to more glorious things to nature,we are supposed to \/must cherish and protect this beautiful place.尽力翻译了,基本保证地道和准确。希望您能满意。^0^ ...
我还有许多兄弟和姐妹、我的叔叔和弟弟现在在美国,他家养了宠物,是一条很大的狗,他非常大,也非常的可爱。I also have many cousins (这里注意了。你叔叔家的弟弟妹妹不是brother & sister,而是堂弟,堂妹,英文叫cousins)My uncle and my cousin are now living in the US. They have a pet,...
人生要自己去拼搏,去奋斗,在风雨中百折不挠勇往前进,在集资的每个驿站上都留下一段不悔的回忆。流泪不是失落,徘徊不是迷惑,成功属于那些战胜失败,坚持不懈、勇于追求梦想的人。加油吧,运动健儿们! 47真心祝愿机会是什么?是不可错过的刹那间。呐喊是什么?是为那刹那间的真心祝愿。加油 加油你肯定听到了那一声声...
troubled 再多的忧伤!However sad 再多的感动!However touching 再多的离别!the departures 再多的关怀!the caring 再多的伤害!and the hurting 只要用心,都会过去!will all come to an end,as long as you try hard enough 只要想变,就一定会转化!As long as you wish to change,change will ...
我从中学毕业。昨天,我参加了高中入学考试,我认为我考得很好。I believe I can be admitted to the best high school in my city. My school held a grand graduation ceremony this morning.我相信我能被我所在城市最好的高中录取。今天早上,我的学校举行了一个盛大的毕业典礼。All the graduates...
真正的朋友是在你跌倒的时候愿意倾尽全力帮助你的人 The real friend is somebody who help you with all the soul when you fall down.真正的朋友是在你成功时候同你一起开心快乐的人 The real friend is somebody who share the happiness with you when you susseed.真正的朋友是在你彷徨时给...