A flickering candle or the bobbing beam of a flashlight in each window made me think of homes as supplying families with the means of living furtive lives. There was no moon, and under the low cloud cover a brisk unseasonable wind ruffled the Old Norwegian maples that lined the street and dropped a fine rain of spring buds on my shoulders and in my hair. I felt this shower as a kind of derision.
All right, with thoughts like these and man would hurry to his home and hearth. I quickened my pace and would surely have turned up the path and mounted the steps to my porch had I not looked thought the driveway gate and seem what I thought was a moving shadow near the garage. So I turned in that direction, my footsteps loud enough on the gravel to scare away whatever it was I had seen, for I supposed it was some animal.
We lived with animal life. I don’t mean just dogs and cats. Deer and rabbits regularly dined on the garden flowers, we had Canadian geese, here and there a skunk, the occasional red fox—this time it turned out to be a raccoon. A large one. I have never liked this animal, with its prehensile paws. More than the ape, it has always seemed to me a relative. I lifted my litigation bag as if to throw it and the creature ran behind the garage.
I went after it; I didn’t want it on my property. At the foot of the outdoor stairs leading to the garage attic, it reared, hissing and showing its teeth and waving its forelegs at me. Raccoons are susceptible to rabies and this one looked mad, its eyes glowing, and saliva, like liquid glue, hanging from both sides of its jaw. I picked up a rock and that was enough—the creature ran off into the stand of bamboo that bordered the back yard of our neighbor, Dr. Sondervan, who was a psychiatrist, and a known authority on Down syndrome and other genetic misfortunes.
And then, of course, upstairs in the attic space over the garage, where we stored every imaginable thing, three raccoon cubs were in residence, and so that was what all the fuss was about. I didn’t know how this raccoon family had got in there. I saw their eyes first, their several eyes. They whimpered and jumped about on the piled furniture, little ball like humps in the darkness, until I finally managed to shoo them out the door and down the steps to where their mother would presumably reclaim them.
I turned on my cell phone to get at least some small light.
The attic was jammed with rolled-up rugs and bric-a-brac and boxes of college papers, my wife’s inherited hope chest, old stereo equipment, a broken-down bureau, discarded board games, her late father’s golf clubs, folded-up cribs, and so on , We were a family rich in history, though still young. I felt ridiculously righteous. As if I had fought a battle and reclaimed my kingdom from invaders. But then melancholy took over; there was enough of the past stuffed in here to sadden me, as relics of the past, including photographs, always sadden me.
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我的痛苦 My Pain 我感到如此痛苦!我真的不知道我和她做错了什么,你们不了解不理我的那种孤独的感受是什么。我不认为人们能够理解我,甚至我自己也无法理解自己。我的生活一团糟,有时我甚至想死。我付出了这么多,可是有任何回报吗?没有!I feel so painful! I really don't know what she and...
多加点分吧,改了许多错别字不说,还花了不少力气,太专业了。另外你是做外贸的,电放应该懂吧。we request to telex release cgo to the abv mentioned consignee inconformity with original BS\/L. consideration of your complying with our above request we hereby irrevocably agree and\/or under...
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被折叠的小儿床, 等等, 我们是家庭富有在历史上, 虽然仍然年轻人。我可笑地感觉公正。好象我进行了争斗和索还了我的王国从侵略者。但另一方面忧郁接管了; 有足够过去被充塞这里使我难过, 如同过去的遗物, 包括相片, 总使我难过。参考资料:没时间,要睡觉了,机器翻译了哦 ...
You always tell me whenever you go but why don't tell me this time?Are you dispointed with me for I don't have the ability to competent this travel and let you down? Would you please give me a chance to check me ? you can give me some tasks or ask me a few question...
我的意思并不是在度假 合唱:一是出生麒麟 硬核软色情 梦想californication 梦想californication 梦想californication 梦想californication 销毁导致一个非常坎坷之路 但它也孕育创作 和地震是一个女孩的吉他 他们只是另一个好振动 和巨浪不能拯救世界 >从californication 付出你的外科医生非常好 打破阐明衰老 病倒...
谁能帮我翻译一下啊?急用,谢了。 私はあなたを爱し、あなたを爱して爱...
我爱你、爱你,爱你,永远爱你,你知道吗?罗马音:Shitekina ai,-ai,-ai, ai. Nani o shitte imasu ka? Puraibēto 语法:1、谁か、何か、または何かが好きな人を指します。指某人特别喜爱某人、某物或做某件事情。2、また、谁かまたは何かを崇拝するために、または亲切に何かを扱...