医学专业用语英文翻译 急!!!

【摘要】目的:探讨剖宫产术中的原因及防治。方法 对2003年~2007年3158例剖宫产术中出血病例进行回顾分析。结果1、剖宫产术中出血的主要原因是子宫收缩乏力(62%),其次是胎盘因素(20.7%),子宫裂伤(15.1%),D.I.C(2.2%) 帮忙翻译下吧

【Abstract】Objective: To explore the Cesarean section of the causes and prevention. Methods 2003 to 2007 3,158 cases of caesarean section cases were reviewed analysis of blood loss. 1, cesarean uterine bleeding is mainly due to contraction weak (62 percent), followed by the placenta factors (20.7%), uterine rupture (15.1%), DIC (2.2%)
第1个回答  2008-06-07
【Abstract】 Objective: To explore causes and preventionthe of the Cesarean section. Methods: reviewing and analysising of blood losscases of 3,158 caesarean section cases from 2003 to 2007 . Result:1, cesarean uterine bleeding is mainly due to contraction weak (62 percent), followed by the placenta factors (20.7%), uterine rupture (15.1%), DIC (2.2%)
第2个回答  2008-06-07
Abstract:Objective:Cesarean section on the Causes and Prevention Methods.
The 2003 ~ 2007 3158 case of caesarean section cases were reviewed analysis of blood loss.
1. cesarean uterine bleeding is mainly due to weak contraction (62%)
2.Placental factors(20.7%),
3.Uterine rupture (15.1%),

产包 breathing bag 流产包 Abortion package 介入手术包 Surgical intervention package 包布 Wrapped 剖腹单 Single-section 婴儿护脐带 Infant umbilical cord care 不知道对不对的,仅供参考的!希望我的回答对你有所帮助!

1.马上输血,快一点\/立即 1. blood filtering right now!2.向左侧卧 2. lie on left side 3.头低下,眼睛看肚子,抱住自己的腿 3. head drop, look your belly, inclasp your legs 4.翻身,面朝上,躺平 4. turn over, face up, lie on your back.5.告诉我哪疼的重,哪疼的轻 5....

科室翻译 medical department; department of internal medicine: 内科 surgical deparment;department of surgery: 外科 department of obstetrics and gynecology : 妇产科 ophtalmology department: 眼科 dental department: 牙科 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermato...

医学英文在线翻译英语 能帮我把英文缩写翻译成中文吗?都是医学...
VT:vein thrombosis 静脉血栓 RAD:右房内径 right atrium diameter LAD:左房内径 left atrium diameter...EPS:SNS: 骶神经刺激 SCD:sudden cardiac death 心源性猝死 DC:树突状细胞 VA:Virtual Application 椎动脉 TdP:远红外线治疗灯;特定电磁波 PVCS:盆腔静脉淤血症pelvic venous congestion syndrom...

主治 mainly cure [Function and Indication]It mainly cure ovary flame , oviduct flame , yolk peritoneum flame be caused with colon bacillus, salmonella.主治由大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、厌氧菌等敏感菌引起的卵巢炎、输卵管炎、卵黄性腹膜炎等。2 清热解毒 Heat clearing and detoxication 或是...

在临床医学研究的广阔领域中,各种专业知识以精确的术语被翻译成英文,以确保国际交流的顺畅。以下是关键医学领域及其对应的汉英对照:1. 生理学 (Physiology): 研究人体内部各种生理过程,如心率、呼吸等。2. 免疫学 (Immunology): 专注于免疫系统的功能,包括免疫反应和防御机制。3. 医用生物学 (Medical...

触诊 = palpation 听诊 = auscultation 检查 = inspection 观察 = observing 看 = looking 听诊 = auscultation 听 = listening 闻 = olfaction 问 = inquiry 脉搏 = pulse 感觉脉搏 = pulse-feeling 一些实用的缩写形式:aa——各 et——及、和 Rp.——取、请取 sig.\/S.——用法、指示 St.\/...

医学名词翻译 急!!!
DBP舒张压 DP病危通知 MAP平均动脉压 HR 人力资源 SV 支援车 CO 一氧化碳 SI 火花塞打火 CI 心脏指数 TPR全身反应法 AC活性炭 K V ——注:有些好像不是医学名词!

absorbent gauze 吸水纱布 gauze swab 棉药签 gauze roll 纱布团 gauze ball 纱布球 gauze bandage 纱布绷带 gauze products\/lap sponge 纱布制品\/棉卷纱布 PBT babdage 应该是PBT bandage吧,PBT绷带 bandages\/triangular bandage 绷带\/三角绷带 non-woven\/triangular bandage 非纺织\/三角绷带 ...

Plastic Surgery 或 Cosmetic Surgery Plastic Surgery 更地道一些
