节选了普罗米修斯(Prometheus)对解救他的赫拉克勒斯(Hercules)所说的一段话.
The
soul
of
man
can
never
be
enslaved
Save
by
its
own
infirmities,
nor
freed
Save
by
its
very
strength
and
own
resolve
And
constant
vision
and
supreme
endeavor!
You
will
be
free?
Then,
courage,
my
brother!
let
the
soul
stand
in
the
open
door
Of
life
and
death
and
knowledge
and
desire
And
see
the
peaks
of
thought
kindle
with
sunrise!
Then
shall
the
soul
return
to
rest
no
more,
Nor
harvest
dreams
in
the
dark
field
of
sleep
Rather
the
soul
shall
go
with
great
resolve
To
dwell
at
last
upon
the
shining
mountains
In
liberal
converse
with
the
eternal
stars.
只知道这么多了。。。
温馨提示:内容为网友见解,仅供参考