东西不小心掉在地上 用英语怎么说?


东西不小心掉在地上了:I accidentally dropped something on the floor.
第1个回答  2013-08-18
I accidentally dropped something on the floor.l lots of

东西不小心掉在地上 用英语怎么说?
东西不小心掉在地上了:I accidentally dropped something on the floor.

句子翻译成英语,One day, on the way to school, I fell down when I was walking.on the way to+地点,表示去…的路上。On the way home,I bought some snacks. 回家的路上,我买了零食。when引导时间状语从句,例如,She turned off the radio when I was listening to her. 我正在听...

把文具盒扔在了地上 英语 翻译
4. When he was fishing by the river\/ playing by the river, he fell into the river.

slipped by accident

我不小心摔到了 用英语怎么说??
I fell down carelessly.

fall off 表示“从。。。上落下或掉下”。off为介词或副词。fall down的意思是“倒塌、掉下”,不强调落物的来处。例如:I saw him fall off his horse.我看到他从马上掉了下来。Flowers fell off to the ground. 花儿凋谢了,落到了地上。Autumn comes and leaves are falling off the trees...

1. "Trash"通常用于美式英语中,而“rubbish”通常用于英式英语中。两个词语的含义基本相同,都指人们不再需要的物品或废品。 例句: - The trash cans in the park are overflowing with litter. 公园里的垃圾桶里满满当当地装满了垃圾。 - It's your responsibility to put your rubbish in the bin. 把垃...

因地面湿滑,我骑车回家的时候不小心摔倒了 用英文翻译:As the ground was wet, I fell down when I was riding home

回答一:把自己的钱包丢在地上就可。 回答二:最好当垃圾清扫员。这样拾零钱几率大。 回答三:钱不是捡来的,也不要低头走,钱是天上掉下来的,要时刻抬头看。 *提问:最简单的长寿秘诀是什么? 回答:保持呼吸,不要断气。 *提问:我要问百度知道知道不知道知道就知道不知道就不知道不要知道说不知道不知道说知道到...

昨天李老师不小心从自行车上摔下来 用英语怎么说
Mr.\/Mrs.\/Miss Li accidentally fall off his\/her bike yesterday.
