Error 404--Not Found
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.4.5 404 Not Found
The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
这是网页访问常见的服务器错误信息 翻译如下:404错误--为找到该页面 来自请求注解文档2068(RequestsforComments,RFC)超文本传输协议 HTTP\/1.1 10.4.5 404错误 网页未发现 服务器未发现与你请求信息相匹配的网页,没有迹象表明此情况是暂时的或永久的 (意思是不知道是暂时打不开网页还是永远打...
Error 404--Not Found英文不好,劳驾帮我翻译一下,谢了!
服务器没有发现匹配的请求的URI . 没有迹象给出的条件是否是暂时性的还是永久性. 如果服务器不希望把这一信息提供给客户, 该状态代码403 (禁止)可以用来代替. 410 (消失)的身份代码应使用如果服务器知道,通过一些内部配置机制 一名年老的资源是永远无法获得,并没有转发地址.
excuse me
1.记不住英文没关系,就看门口的图标, 男的穿裤子,女的穿裙子。再有就是看别人都是进哪个门。如果上厕所时,将随身的包背入,出来时千万别忘了。2.洗手时,红色代表热水, 蓝色代表冷水.2.你们最好一起行动,以免两人走丢了着急. 不要认为记忆好就行,相似的地方很多,尤其人生地不熟,语言又有障碍.三. 美国入...
I was standing not far from you, silently blessing for you; to hide your love and let you to find the chase. I was standing not far from love, do not care how tough waiting, when you reminded me of my time alone, and that is my biggest happiness. 希望能够对您有...
"Excuse me"在英文中的6种常用表达
劳驾,让我过去好吗?英语口语中,“借过一下”的英文可以直接使用Excuse me.【例如】He pushed his way through the crowd, saying “Excuse me ”.他一边说着 "对不起", 一边从人群中挤过。这时候我们通常不需要引起别人的注意,会尽量放低自己的声量。歪果仁也考虑到了这种...
1.Do you still remember?2.I won't forget forever
I really don't want to disappoint you, but I'm afraid I can do nothing about this. It is really a pity that you two old friends have misunderstanding with each other. You don't need to worry about your son. He is safe in the school. Anyway, he doesn't want to study...
你好~可能有出入~我已经尽力翻译了~Obez眼泪不看 或者 您的泪花消失不见