
谢谢 啊!!!


There is a girl in my class, she looks so pretty, like an angel. Everyday I wish I could speak to her, but I’m too scared. I want to say hi to her in the morning, but I couldn’t. I want to follow her home, when the school is over, but I couldn’t. I want to call her in the evening and say good evening, but I still couldn’t. I want to speak to her so bad that I couldn’t sleep at night. Please God, just give me one chance to speak to her.
Sport, dream
I like sport, especially basketball. I just love the NBA, many of the players are my favorites. They are just so cool, when they dunk the ball shoot the 3-points and block shots. They are my idols, I really look up to them. I want to play in the NBA one day too, but it is just a dream. I want to be like Yao Ming, and play in the Olympics, it is also just a dream. I have so many dreams, and sometimes I wish I could live in my dreams.
Movie stars
I like movies, and I like the actors and actress in movies. They are famous and pretty, they live in Hollywood. I want to go to Hollywood one day and meet them. I want their autographs, and I want to ask them many questions. They are really cool in those movies, so they must be cool in person too. I really hope I could be there one day, in Hollywood. I wish I could be famous too.
Computer games
I like to play computer games, like to play them a lot. Sometimes I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, just to play the games. My mom says the games are bad, but I think they are cool. I think sometimes that I should listen to my mom, but I don’t want to. I just want to play the games everyday long. Why do we have to listen to our parents, we want to do what we want to do, and no one can tell differently.
第1个回答  2013-09-05
English teacher I have a english teacher ,She is a beautiful girl. She has a big nouse,a small eyes, two long arms.She teach english is very good and funny, i like she very much .You will ask ,why ? Because she looks like my good friend. We can say anything.Do you like this teacher?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-09-05