小时代2周崇光台词英文版 急求


You have to believe that the world must have your lover, whether you are being surrounded by light applause drowned, or when you are walking alone in the cold rain drenched by the streets, both floating snow early in the morning, or be hot roast dusk, he will pass through this world filled with people, his one one pass them, to you. He must be filled with heat, and heavy eyes where love, go to you, to you. He will be unable to hold oneself back to come to your side, if he is young, he will be like a naughty child occupied with their own toys to share with others like hug you. If he is no longer young, that he would like the return of the hunters blazing new trails, you lit the fire, then embrace and confidence you have tired to sleep. He will find you. You have to wait.你要相信世界上一定有你的爱人,无论你此刻正被光芒环绕被掌声淹没,还是当时你正孤独地走在寒冷的街道上被大雨淋湿,无论是飘着小雪的清晨,还是被热浪炙烤的黄昏,他一定会穿越这个世界上汹涌着的人群,他一一的走过他们,走向你。他一定会怀着满腔的热,和目光里沉甸甸的爱,走到你的身边,抓紧你。他会迫不及待地走到你的身边,如果他年轻,那他一定会像顽劣的孩童霸占着自己的玩具不肯与人分享般地拥抱你。如果他已经不再年轻,那他一定会像披荆斩棘归来的猎人,在你身旁燃起篝火,然后拥抱着你疲惫而放心地睡去。他一定会找到你。你要等。

We live in a vast universe,stardust and light particles floating all throughout,we are existences smaller than these.(我们活在浩瀚的宇宙里,漫天漂浮的宇宙尘埃和星河的光尘,我们是比在些还要渺小的存在。)One does not know when life's dirction would change,sunk into a thick darkness...


小时代2周崇光台词英文版 急求
he will pass through this world filled with people, his one one pass them, to you. He must be filled with heat, and heavy eyes where love, go to you, to you. He will be unable to hold oneself back to come to your side, if he is young, he will be like a naughty ...

I believe there must be someone you love in this world.This person will walk through and over the crowds of people.And will have a strongly beating heart,Filled with passion and love.Walking toward you.and grab you tightly.This person will find you .Be patient.

词:赵心蕾 (Ray Ray) / 梁永泰 从这一分钟以後 别说你没有了我 别说没有人和你 走这路 (你身边现在有多个他 ,不需要自己去做)Don’t gotta do it alone 什麼都挺你到底 我一直陪你到底 不管是什麼距离 我都觉得没关系 一百千万个公里 再加一千没关系 从太空回到埃及 从太空回到埃及...

宫铭:你真的要这样对我吗?崇光!周崇光:是的。宫铭:你难道忘了原来你对我说过的话吗?周崇光:不记得,大概时间久了 忘了吧!宫铭:崇光你怎么可以这样?亏我把我的一切都给了你,而你却还要这样子对待一个这么关心你的人?周崇光:呵、都到现在了,还说那么多干嘛?宫铭:你都不把你对我说过...

小时代周崇光经典台词语录 1、也许明天醒来,他就消失了,爱过他的人,再也找不到他。 2、离地面一米的地方,浮动着粘稠而浓厚的白色雾气,像是有性命般地流动着。草地上泛出一种令人感觉阴森的湿漉漉的墨绿。庞大的寂静里,只要一种类似水滴的声音,把气氛衬托地毛骨悚然。 3、当时他觉得自我像是被隔绝在某一个孤单...

小时代2中 周崇光在最后VCR里说的最后一段话的内容

我以前一点也不怕死 但现在 我希望在爱里,继续活下去 活的比爱还要久 我相信这个世界上一定会有一个你爱的人 他会穿越这个世间汹涌的人群 一一地走过他们 怀着一颗用力跳动的心脏 捧着满腔的热和沉甸甸的爱 走向你 抓紧你 他一定会找到你的 你要等 ...

