


Dear angel,

If you're lost and unable to find our home, please stay where you are because I'll find you and take you home in my arms!
第1个回答  2008-06-26
Dear angel, if you got lost, if you walked to throw, if you can not find our small nests and so please a station at at first, because I will find out you, I will embrace you to go home

第2个回答  2008-06-26
my beloved angel, if you got lost, or lost your sense of direction, if you could not find our nest, please stay where you are, cause i'll get you and hold you back home
第3个回答  2008-06-26
Dear angel, if you ever get lost, if you ever lost your way,if you ever couldn't find our little home,then stay put,stand where it is meant to be,I will reach you ,and I will bring you home in my arms
第4个回答  2008-06-26
dear angel,if you lose your way ,if you get lost,if you can't find our home,please stay here ,because i can find you,i'll hold you back home.
第5个回答  2008-06-26
my angel, if you lose your way, if you can't find our home, plz stay here, i will find you go home together!