爱因斯坦名言中英文 1、有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.2、人类一切和平合作的基础首先是相互信任,其次才是法庭和警察一类的机构。Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and ...
1、不必努力去做一个成功者,尽力去成为一个有价值者。Don't try to be a winner, try to be a valuable person.2、这个世界最不可理解的就是它竟然是可以理解的。The most inprehensible thing about the world is that it is understandable.3、宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:那就是宇宙的大...
1、Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe.有两种东西是无限的,宇宙和人类的愚蠢。——爱因斯坦 2、The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.时间存在的意义就是任何事都不可能立刻实现 ——爱因斯坦 ...
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -Einstein 想象力比知识更重要。 --爱因斯坦 You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." Albert Einstein 你必须去学习游戏规则,然后你还要比别人玩得更好。 爱因斯坦 No problem can be...
惦信手拈来,将万物合一。 God doesn't bother about our math problems. He will come in handy, all are one. 67、一个人对社会的价值,首先取决于他的感情思想和行动对于人类利益有多大作用。 The value of a person to society, first of all depends on how much of his emotional thought and action...
不是的,爱因斯坦说的话只有前面那一句‘天才就是99%的汗水1%的灵感’。爱迪生此名言的引文如下:Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.o Spoken statement (c. 1903); published in Harper's Monthly (September 1932)o Variants:o None of my inventions came by ...
1. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.一个从不犯错误的人,一定从来没有尝试过任何新鲜事物。2. Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.智者解决问题,天才预防问题。3. Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it...
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.- Albert Einstein 如果一个人从来没有失败过,那么他从来没有尝试过新的事物.(中文是我自己翻译的 = =)
下面由就由我为大家整理的爱因斯坦励志名言英文,欢迎大家观看~ 1、科学是一件美好的事,如果人无需赖此维生的话。 Science is a wonderful thing if people don't have to live on it. 2、我没有特殊天赋,我只是极为好奇。 I have no special talent, I'm just curious. 3、一个人的真正价值,首先决定...
知道小有建树答主 回答量:133 采纳率:33% 帮助的人:35.6万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1、科学是一件美好的事,如果人无需赖此维生的话。 Science is a wonderful thing if people don't have to live on it. 2、我没有特殊天赋,我只是极为好奇。 I have no special talent, I'...