Jake Bugg的《Broken》 歌词


第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-09
歌手:Jake Bugg
专辑:Jake Bugg

Jake Bugg
I'll wait here for you for I'm broken
Down, coming down this town
For my heart lies
Far and way where they took you down
Led them over to your house
Where I'm broken
Down by the people if
they let you breathe
Don't give a damn if you
Still can't see still my heart beats for you
Have become all I lost
And all I hoped for
But I must carry on
Always one never broken
Run to the lobby where I saw you try
Don't give a damn for your
reasons why we're so
Down in the valley where
the church bells cry
I'll lead them over to your eyes
I am one
I am one
Break a story of
Peace and love in a future
Bright sacrifice came around
Never broken
Down by the people if
they let you breathe
Don't give a damn if you still can't see
Travelin' street that I did not know
Wheels like tong to the winter lope
Down in the valley where
the church bells cry
I'll lead them over to your eyes
I am one
I am one


Jake Bugg的《Broken》 歌词
Broken Jake Bugg I'll wait here for you for I'm broken Down, coming down this town For my heart lies Far and way where they took you down Led them over to your house Where I'm broken Down by the people if they let you breathe Don't give a damn if you Still can't...

求jake bugg<broken>中文歌词
我在这里等着我打破你脱颖而出 我下来 这一次 “因此我的心流血 远远地,他们在那里把你失望 我带领他们到你家 我破的地方 打倒的人,如果他们让你的呼吸 不给该死的,如果你仍然无法看到,尽管如此,我的心为你跳动。已成为 所有我爱和所有希望。但是我必须坚持下去 总是一个 从未打破。运行到...

Broken 这首歌的歌词。大家费心啦! 多谢!
Jake Bugg-Broken I wait here for you 'fore I'm broken down I'm coming down This time 'fore my heart bleeds Far and away, where they took you down I lead them over to your house Where I'm broken Down by the people if they let you breath Don't give a damn if you ...

Jake Bugg歌手简介
在《Jake Bugg》专辑的巅峰时期,他以18岁的少年身份超越了Leona Lewis和Rebecca Ferguson等资深歌手,以及迷失方向的Muse和The Killers乐队,揭示了音乐界的新鲜血液并不需要选秀冠军头衔,摇滚也不必依赖电子元素。除了音乐才华,Bugg的个性也备受关注。他直言不讳,批评流行乐的现状,对选秀歌手持质疑态度,...

Jake Bugg歌手英文简介
At just 18 years old, the young talent from Nottingham, Jake Bugg, has already made impressive strides in the music industry. He has had the privilege of supporting legendary acts like Noel Gallagher and The Stone Roses, lent his voice to a prominent beer commercial, and graced ...

Jake BuggJake Bugg问答
18岁的Jake Bugg并非寻常的青少年,他的友善、健谈和礼貌与其音乐家身份形成鲜明对比。他曾与传奇乐队Noel Gallagher一起巡演,为奥运会献声,并正筹备一张融合传统摇滚与出色旋律的首张专辑,这令星探对这位诺丁汉男孩的才华赞叹不已。关于巡演,他表示正在欧洲进行最后一站的巡演,反响热烈,特别是在...

Jake Bugg于Burberry旗舰店举办小型演唱
他以精湛的技艺演唱了几首由Burberry创作的原创歌曲。这场小型音乐会是Jake Bugg为Burberry品牌特别献上的,他演唱的歌曲来自于他2012年10月发行的首张同名专辑。这张专辑一上市便取得了显著的成功,荣登英国专辑排行榜的冠军宝座,显示了他在音乐领域的卓越才华和专辑的极高受欢迎程度。

《romeo and juliet》 the killers 口水歌唱起来方显难度 《lightning bolt》 jake bugg 英伦复古,歌词有些深度,算新歌 《broken》 jake bugg 建议看mv 《broken》 gorillaz 带些电音风格 《violet hill》

)。Jake Bugg还是走以旋律为驱动的民谣路线,因此得老老实实埋头写旋律。这点颇似Tom Odell,一个是弹钢琴的民谣手,一个是弹吉他的民谣手,只是Tom Odell更流行。Jake Bugg的旋律创作流畅而平实,偶而还有抓耳之处,比如Broken副部分最后转调加和声,立刻让曲气势提升一层,初次听居然让我起鸡皮疙瘩...

当冬夜渐暖——孙燕姿 easy come easy go——蔡健雅(前面有一部分是说唱)感动每一刻——林俊杰、蔡健雅、阿杜、孙燕姿(虽然是什么世博会的什么曲,但是旋律还是很 好听的,不要因为歌名就不听了~)X——林俊杰 礼物——刘力扬 melody——陶喆 迷宫——王若琳 你就不要想起我——田馥甄 千纸鹤——...
