有留学经验 英语怎么说




with Study abroad experience

或with overseas studying experience



Applicants with overseas studying working or living experiences preferred;
第1个回答  2019-08-23

Compos.AI 人工智能在线语法/拼写检测软件. 


Compos.ai 检查语法的例句:

*方括号内是错误部分, 圆括号内是修改建议

The new [metod] is [effective] than the old one. (method, more effective)

Good policemen require three [quality]: courage, tolerance, and [dedicated]. (qualities, dedication)

3. “experience”一词在句子中的使用非常广泛。例如,“She gained a lot of experience from her work.”或者“I have firsthand experience of how difficult it is to start a business.”这些句子都展示了“experience”的不同用法和语境。总之,"experience"是一个非常重要的词汇,可以用来表达一...

一篇高中英语作文 你有一年留学美国的经历,你的好友即将去美国留学。请...
hi,*** i heard you are gonna to study in U.S. what a lucky guy you are. i have some suggestions for you. First, do not be shy, feel free to talk with your American friends, you'd better not stay with Chinese all the time it will not improve your English. Then, g...

有留学经验 且比我厉害的请进来帮忙哈
所有的ALCI学生必须提供健康保险的书面证明(翻译成英文),该保险应满足以下要求:1.The medical benefit is at least $250,000 per condition with a co-payment of no more than 25% and a deductible of no more than $100.1。医疗受益额在每次至少$250,000,其中共同支付部分不超过25%(就...

急 英语 翻译 有关于留学! 我想去美国,请帮助我!翻译
I‘m Mark, and I am preparing for language research and studies in America.I want to learn English in America.Firstly, because I hold the idea that many producers in the world are not as good as those in Korea when I worked in Hyundai Motor.Secondly, I think that America i...

留学:to study abroad 例句与用法:1. 您申请出国留学我看没什么不可以的。I can not see any reason why you shall not apply to study abroad.2.我的梦想是去海外留学,但这太昂贵了。My dream is to study abroad but it is too expensive.3.由于拒绝出国留学,她错失了一种生活经历 In ...

“留学”用英语怎么说 在线等
study overseas

...加拿大留学了。想问问之前要准备些什么。 ———有留学的经验...
还有几个月就要去加拿大留学了。想问问之前要准备些什么。 ———有留学的经验者请↘没有的请↗ 我要详细的回答,谢谢,加拿大的礼仪。。还有我刚去是要怎么办,我成绩很差很差,郁闷啊。去那怎么办,呜呜·~~(加币等于多少人命币额?)还有那东西一般的价格。还有应该带多少钱(... 我要详细的回答,谢谢,加拿大...

总之,留学具有许多优点,可以在许多方面丰富个人的生活。它是一种有价值的经验,可以帮助个人在个人、学术和职业方面成长。 第三篇英语作文 写作思路:出国留学不仅可以拓宽视野,增长知识,还能提高语言能力和人际交往能力。本文将从这几个方面来阐述出国留学的好处。 英语原文: Title: The Benefits of Studying Abroad Stu...

出国留学的英文释义:go abroad to study 出国留学的英文例句:翻开近代中国留学史,晚清时期岭南出国留学生对中国近代早期中西 文化 交流的贡献,特别引人注目。首先,他们是中国近代出国留学的先驱者和开拓者。The history of the Chinese students abroad shows that the students abroad from Ling-nan...

