亲们 帮我翻译一下 地道一点,别拿词典翻 我在线等 很急的!





1.You are going to join the 1500 metres final match,the match will start at 10:20 in the morning on the playground where I think you ever went to yesterday.Taking notice, I need to take you to the place half an hour before the beginning of the match.We will cheer for you.

2.Do you know the way to go back? Do you need me to take you out?


3.if necessary, where are we going to meet tomorrow?

第1个回答  2012-11-21
1.You will participate in the final 1500 meters, this game start time is at 10:20 a.m.. Place in the playground, I think you have ever been to. Note that, at the beginning of the game half an hour ago, I will lead you to the venue. We 'll be rooting for you

2.Do you know the way back? Do you need me to bring you out?

3 if you can, where shall we meet tomorrow?
第2个回答  2012-11-21
1、You will join the final 1500-meter-race, and it starts at 10:20am in the playground where I thought you went yesterday. The thing to note is that I need to guide you to the playing filed before half an hour of the beginning.
2、Do you know the way back,or do I need to take you out?
3、If you can,Where shall we meet tomorrow?
第3个回答  2012-11-21
1、 You will take part in the final 1500 meters, this game start at 10:20 in the morning.the place in the playground, you have been to.there yesterday. you have to know, at the beginning of the game half an hour ago, I will lead you to the venue. We 'll be rooting for you.

2、Do you know the way go back? Do you need me to bring you out?

3、if you think ok, where shall we meet tomorrow?
第4个回答  2012-11-21
1.You will take part in the finals of the 1500 meters. The match starts in the stadium where i think you have ever been yesterday.The match starts at 10:20 a.m. What you should note here is that I have brought you to the playing field before the match began by half an hour . We'll cheer for you ~
2.Do you know the way back?Do you want me to take you out?
3.And if it's all right,where do we meet tomorrow?
第5个回答  2012-11-23

亲们 帮我翻译一下 地道一点,别拿词典翻 我在线等 很急的!
1.你将要参加1500米的决赛,这场比赛的开始时间是上午10:20。地点在运动场,我想你昨天曾经去过。需要注意的是,在比赛开始半小时以前,我得领你去比赛场地。我们会为你加油的~1.You are going to join the 1500 metres final match,the match will start at 10:20 in the morning on the play...

我发一段话 谁能帮我翻译???要地道的,不要词典翻译。
刚刚他在下班开车中给我打的电话,一般他在工作或者在家都不方便接听电话的。他在电话里说我很不懂事,不懂的控制自己的情绪。他说和我在一起精神压力很大,他说想放手,说我现在就像吊死在一棵枯树上面,不值得。我说我愿意,我觉得值得,他说他的身体也不行了,无法满足我的需求,说我很傻。 请...


翻译一下这些日文 很急哟 在线等

回答:晕 这么多谁来给你翻译 你还不如把这段话复制了 直接去百度弄

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我帮你,我回答过一次了。最后一句滚远点,不要让我鄙视你 楼上的是对的。再给你点方法。一、语文学习准备 1、工具书:如:《新华字典》《现代汉语词典》《汉语成语小辞典》《学生古汉语词典》2、 课本 3、笔(三色:红、蓝、黑)4、默写本 5、笔记本 6、练习本 7、纠错本 8、日记本 9、...

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Yes, instead of air pollution, the most serious environment problem in my hometownis water pollution. Once the door river is clear and transparent, can be directly consumed, the summer I and my swimming in the river, catch shrimp. But now it hasbecome a stinking ditch, which ...

