1 我不能忍受!我不喜欢当店员长时间打电话时排队等候。在这种情况下,我通常会说:“你能帮我一下吗?”我也不喜欢店员跟着我转。我会说:“可以请你不要老跟着我吗?如果我需要帮助,我会跟你说的。”店员通常会说很抱歉,但有时他们会发疯的。如果是那样,我就不会再去那家店了。当有人在...
Remember that time, there have been earthquakes, a chaotic school, I still remember that I do.At that time, I happened to Xiezuoye. Suddenly discovered that shook the building to the school a scream, I have the bad, after a period of time, and finally getting along just fine...
I rushed out of the room without uttering another word.2.李明打篮球摔断了胳膊,老师开车把他送去医院。Li Ming broke his arm while playing basketball, and the teacher drove him to the hospital.3.昨天我帮一个老人扛了一个大包下楼。Yesterday I helped an elderly man carry a big bag...
1他的下属及监司使都称赞他,认为他很能干。2不久,太守贴出禁游客告示:所管辖的地方不能接待金陵人,违反的人,即使是太守最亲密的人,也一定要治罪。3太守”进来拜谒监司使。监司使请他喝酒让太守的儿子出来对证,附全文+翻译 原文 雷于粤为最远郡。崇祯初,金陵人某,以部曹⑴出守。舟入江遇...
琵琶行 白居易 全文翻译
大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,大珠小珠落玉盘。间关莺语花底滑,幽咽泉流冰下难。冰泉冷涩弦凝绝,凝绝不通声暂歇。别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声。银瓶乍破水浆迸,铁骑突出刀枪鸣。曲终收拨当心画,四弦一声如裂帛。东船西舫悄无言,唯见江心秋月白。 沉吟放拨插弦中,整顿衣裳起...
在新的世纪里,由于经济的发展,科技的交流,世界贸易及国际旅游业的不断拓宽,不同文化之间的交流更密切。With the development of economy and exchange of science and technology,The world-wide trade and international tourism have been continuously expanded and different cultures have been ...
中文翻译 在线等~~快。。急
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Today I’ll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The camera is often thought to be a modern invention, but as early as 1727, a German physicist discovered that light darkens silver salt. Used as a camera, a big box was set up, and a small hole ...
Thank you for your letter of May 20 in which you lodge a claim for short delivery of 5000 kg of cement.感谢你的来信,5月20日在其中提出了5000公斤的水泥短的交货要求。We wish to express our deep regret at this incident.我们谨对这一事件深表遗憾。 We have checked with our ...