

全称: The official name of the nation is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国

Britain is one of the 15 member states of the European Union (EU); member of the Commonwealth of Nations; NATO.

The tallest mountain is Ben Nevis.

The longest river is the Severn.

About 200 years ago, Britain was the most powerful country in the world. The Britiah Empire covered over a quarter of the earth’s surface.

People: British / Britons(English, Scottish / Scots, Welsh, Northern Irish)

Language: English (official Language); Gaelic (in Scotland); Welsh (in Wales)

National song: “God save the queen/king” 《上帝保佑女王/国王》

National flower: Rose

Government: It is a Constitutional Monarchy. (a country with a King or a Queen, whose power is controlled by a set of laws and basic principles) 君主立宪制

Parliament 议会: House of Common 下议院

House of Lords 上议院

Leader: 1. Prime Minister (rule the country, making the important political decisions and laws)

2. Queen (ceremonial)

Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain‘s sovereigns(君主) since 1837. It developed from a town house that was owned from the beginning of the eighteenth century by the Dukes of Buckingham. Today it is The Queen's official residence. Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are opened to visitors on a regular basis.

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. Over a period of nearly 1,000 years it has been inhabited(居住) continuously, and altered and refurbished(重整) by successive(后来的) monarchs. Some were great builders, strengthening the Castle against uprising and rebellion(起义); others, living in more peaceful times, created a palatial Royal residence.

William the Conqueror chose the site, high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground. It was a day's march from the Tower of London and intended to guard the western approaches to the capital

全称: The official name of the nation is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 Britain is one of the 15 member states of the European Union (EU); member of the Commonwealth of Nations; NATO.The tallest mountain is Ben Nevis.The ...

用一段英文介绍英国(UK)要有中文 10  我来答 1个回答 #话题# 打工人必看的职场『维权』指南!✎﹏พïçαℓïℳミ┞❀ 2014-10-30 知道答主 回答量:6 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:2.1万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 已...

英国的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,行政区划包括了英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰地区。除本土之外,其还拥有十四个海外领地,总人口超过6600万,其中以英格兰人(盎格鲁-撒克逊人)为主体民族,占全国总人口的占83.9%。The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and No...



伦敦英文简介:London, the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is the world's largest financial centre, and is also known as Newport Harbor with New York and Hong Kong.London is the political, economic, cultural and financial centre of the UK and ...

简称联合王国(英语:The United Kingdom)或英国(英语:Britain)是由大不列颠岛上的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士,以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰共同组成的一个欧洲岛国。英国本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。除了英国本土之外,还包括一些海外领地。

Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) is surrounded by seas on all sides and is separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. It is just 1,000 kilometres from the south coast to the far north and just under 500 kilometres in the widest ...

which includes the countries of England, Wales, and Scotland. Ireland, the next largest island, encompasses Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland in the south, which is a separate, independent country. British culture is renowned for its depth and ...

Great Britain is the larger of the two main islands of the British Isles, the largest island in Europe and the ninth largest island in the world. Great Britain is also the third most populated island on earth, with a population of 58 million people and is the world's 5th ...
