

Cost projections [1-5] have a general qualitative and quantitative forecast predicted two methods of qualitative prediction method also called intuitive forecasting methods, is a classical prediction methods. The nature of things is focused on the analysis and predictable. Qualitative analysis and forecasting methods are: experts predict, Delphi method, the subjective probability law. Experts predict Act is forecasting method including personal judgement, the experts meeting of the minds and turmoil law. Quantitative prediction of the number of future forecast target by the characteristics of the forecast. Quantitative prediction rely mainly on the history of statistical information, to use the scientific method of a mathematical model, and use this model to predict the performance of the number of possible targets. The more common are: time-series forecasting method, regression analysis, grey forecasting method and so on.
第1个回答  2008-04-03
The cost forecast that [1-5] has the qualitative forecast and the quota generally forecast two methods, the qualitative forecast technique also said the direct-viewing forecast technique, is one classical forecast technique. Stresses to the thing nature analysis and the foresight. The qualitative analysis forecast technique mainly has: The expert forecasts the law, the Deerfei law, the subjective probability law and so on. The expert forecast that the law includes individual judgement forecast law, the expert conference law and the brains storm law. The quota forecast is to forecast the object quantitative aspect's characteristic will do in the future forecast. The quota forecast main dependence history statistical data, the utilization science's method establishment mathematical model, and using this model forecast the object possibly displays quantity. Compared with commonly used mainly has: Time series forecast law, return analytic method, gray forecast law and so on.

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