求英语作文,定义自由和捍卫尊严。 复制前几天别人的回答的不行

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【As a little child I used to sit by the window, watching birds flying happily through the trees and then into the sky. Since then I have been wondering the answer to a question, which is kind of tough to some philosophers, that is, what is freedom?And to myself, freedom is something a person or a creature in this world owns and with that they can do what they want and what they love without any constraints. Of course this is just my simple personal opinion, which cannot be campared with those from experts. Then when I have this "freedom " concept in my mind, I begin to think, what if our freedom is hindered or destroyed by others, what are we going to do?Therefore, this is another question about defending dignity.】

【Well, taking history as a mirror to reflect our behaviours and absorb the essense of the past experience, we may have a clear definition about the significance of freedom and dignity. Back to late Qing Dynasty, with the intensification of the power of foreign countries, China, the weakest one, was doomed to be bullied. From our ancestors' mouth and the history books, we certainly know that people at that time were leading a miserable life, not because they were to lazy to work but because their freedom was terribly invaded. "There should be some measures to take" some people might say. Sure. Those who were in a higher political level would rather ceded our national lands to the foreigners than to fight for our freedom. So the result could be forseen. It didn' t work. The foreigners just wanted more. So wasn't it a high time for chinese people to stand up and defend our dignity?After a long period time of warring and fighting, despite so many deaths and injures, China managed to have this precious thing--freedom. 】

【Above I am not just telling you the history story, but I am trying to analyse the close link between freedom and defense of dignity. Yet now I would like to have a deeper conclusion about that. When freedom of our own is deprived, our dignity is losing, too. Then we should take some actions, but remember, a false one is never going to work. A meaningful action is better than anything, which is for a brighter future.】
Thank you for your listening and have a nice day !


求英语作文,定义自由和捍卫尊严。 复制前几天别人的回答的不行
【As a little child I used to sit by the window, watching birds flying happily through the trees and then into the sky. Since then I have been wondering the answer to a question, which is kind of tough to some philosophers, that is, what is freedom?And to myself, freedom...

I pledge to defend against the motherland 's freedom and dignity and I will eliminate all invading enemies.

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