三菱伺服定位模块1PG 报警BFM#29号读出的数值是173什么意思


第1个回答  2012-12-08
< Error code No. > [ BFM #29 ]
The following error code Nos. are saved in the BFM #29.
Read and check it when the BFM#28 b7 is set to 1 (Error present).
OO1: Large/small relationship is incorrect. (Vmax <Vbia or VRT < VCR)
OO indicates the lower word No. of the related BFM.
OO2: Setting is not performed yet. (V(I), P(I), V(II) or P(II))
However, V(II) and P(II) should be set exclusively in two-speed operation or external command operation.
OO indicates the corresponding BFM No. For example, “172" indicates that the BFMs #18
and #17 are set to 0.
OO3: Setting range is incorrect.
OO indicates the corresponding BFM No. For
example, “043" indicates that the BFMs #5 and #4 are set to a value outside the range of 10 to
100,000 PPS.
以上是资料中的信息,你的代码是173,也就是你的BFM#17设置的范围有错误,范围是0到 ±999,999,你看你的范围是不是有问题?
第2个回答  2017-06-13

三菱伺服定位模块1PG 报警BFM#29号读出的数值是173什么意思_百度...
< Error code No. > [ BFM #29 ]The following error code Nos. are saved in the BFM #29.Read and check it when the BFM#28 b7 is set to 1 (Error present).OO1: Large\/small relationship is incorrect. (Vmax <Vbia or VRT < VCR)OO indicates the lower word No. of the ...

