

1 building -- build
2 删除will -- As we read more
had -- have
3 through -- throughout
加a -- in a very short period of time
4 secondly -- second
5 加with -- Reading also help with writing.
6 fewer -- more
written -- writting
7 goods -- good

高兴为你回答 解析如下, 一般都是根据固定 搭配和词性 so改为such, such修饰名词,such... that 如此 swimming改为swam 一般过去时, 用过去式swam before变为since It has been five years since..自从某个时候 fatter改为thinner, 才能和前面的 eat less food 意思一致,少吃一点食物 visit变...

1 building -- build 2 删除will -- As we read more had -- have 3 through -- throughout 加a -- in a very short period of time 4 secondly -- second 5 加with -- Reading also help with writing.6 fewer -- more written -- writting 7 goods -- good ...

1. 在a和very之间加was(这题不是太肯定,如果只改一处就只能这样修改。感觉句子不太通顺,最好是改成We thought she was a very capable young woman, charming and intelligent)2. eye变成复数eyes 3. On改成Upon (这是语法上的修改,但根据实际情况,我觉得前面部分应该改成When the teacher...

1. if mixing改成if mixed. mix red and green light,所以red and green light和mix是被动的关系。用过去分词mixed表示被动。2. to take改taking.固定用法:feel like doing sth.3. goes to改go.It is adj. that sb.should do sth. should 可以省略。这是一句虚拟语气。4. China will改成wi...

回答:used to live about half year ago, was going to much bigger than it takes quite a long time However, Mr. Li doesn't seem in a few years

英语改错题!急 Jumping rope is a good way to managing yo_百度知...
to managing-to manage good at-good for three time -three times a week is good -is a good whatever I can-whatever you can 99.99%safely.-safe remove even the smallest risk of- eliminate even the not wear -去掉not clear area that -where ...

英语改错 50分的。。各位高手帮帮忙哈
felt→feel,month+s,what→that,take后+a,Meanwhile→However(“想…,然而发现自己却在…”,这里转折比较贴切,同意楼上的)me→myself(后面的look back on是对的,不用at)wonderfully→wonderful,teachers后+and,on someday→someday won't→will ...

topic of today is “habbits”,用is,是事实。is what we often do, 这里副词放在动词前面比较舒服一点,但还不至于错 especially,尤其,specially是特别地,专门地意思 Unfortunately,比较常用,我第一次见到unluckily(见识浅了),可能这个词可以。hard to get rid of,后面的them去掉,这样子形成...

1 Many American tea kettles whistle when the water inside starts to boil.contained可去掉,但光留contained反而怪怪的。2 Many mountain animals have hooves more developed than similar animals living on land.more 前面可加that are 3 The price of a new car runs anywhere from around S11,...

1.She cries a lot and does nothing 2.She is older than me 3.She has two teeth. My parents love her very much
