《哈利波特与火焰杯》英文简介 要短,要有中文翻译。急急急!!!_百度...
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Many of the first 75 of this tome’s 700-plus pages are spent rehashing the first three books, so about the only new thing readers discover is that Voldemort is on the move again. Meanwhile, Harry escapes his summer “imprisonment” at the...
<哈利波特与火焰杯>的英文简介 急急急!!
哈利波特与火焰杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Many of the first 75 of this tome’s 700-plus pages are spent rehashing the first three books, so about the only new thing readers discover is that Voldemort is on the move again. Meanwhile, Harry escapes his summer “impri...
demanding and action-packed storytelling.
哈利波特4:火焰杯HarryPotterandtheGobletofFire对哈利·波特来说,前面的路艰险重重。噩梦的折磨使哈利的伤疤比往常疼得更厉害,当有机会逃离这烦人的梦魇时,他决定同好友罗恩和赫敏一道去观看魁地奇世界杯。 但魁地奇宿营地的天空中却闪过了一丝邪恶——由其追随者食死徒们变出来的象征着万恶的伏地魔...
哈利波特电影的英文简介~要全部的 不针对某一部
哈利波特与魔法石\/哈利·波特1英文剧情介绍:Young Harry Potter has to lead a hard life: His parents have died in a car crash when he was still a baby, and he is being brought up by his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. For some reason unbeknownst to the bespectacled ten-year-old...
The movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone tells us that Harry Potter,a little boy whose parents died together,is the offspring of a magician。《哈利•波特与魔法石》电影讲述从小父母双亡的小男孩哈利•波特是魔法师的后代。His parents were killed by a bad wizard in...
哈利波特与火焰杯的人物简介,要四个人,主角。 需要用英文,实在不行中文...
哈利·詹姆·波特(Harry James Potter)赫敏·格兰杰(Hermione Granger)罗恩·韦斯莱(Ron Weasley)塞德里克·迪戈里(Cedric Diggory)芙蓉·德拉库尔(Fleur Delacour)威克多尔·克鲁姆(Viktor Krum )简介:It is the summer holidays and soon Harry Potter will be starting be starting his fourth ...
The twilight of the teenage Harry and his friends' desire to resist is even more endearing, and perfectly embellishes the darkness and heaviness of the Harry films.译文:飞扬的青春荷尔蒙也许是《哈利·波特:火焰杯》最好的卖点,也是魔幻成分的最好佐料。特技效果和细节张力是影片好评如潮的...
英文名: Rupert Grint 性别: 男 生日: 1988-8-24 个人简介: 《哈利波特》系列这个其貌不扬的英国小男孩完全是凭借一部那部众所周知的童话而出名的,而在此之前,他仅仅参加过一次学校舞台剧演出,但他还是勇敢地参加了这部他非常喜欢的电影的试镜,毫无疑问,他是非常幸运的,因为他说他击败的几百个竞争对手看上去...