
摘要: 自1978年恢复高考,学子们就视大学生为最高追求,入高等学府深造就能捧得“金饭碗”。为了提高整个国民素质,1998年国家实行高校“并轨”,扩大招生,高等教育由“精英教育”向“大众教育”转变,以往的“天之骄子”成为了社会平凡的一员,随各地高校逐年扩招,大学生就业矛盾日益突出,特别是当前全球金融危机影响下,大学生就业形势不容乐观,当然,更受到中央、国务院和社会各界的普遍关注。纵观我国大学生的现状、就业形势,已上升为社会问题,近期,党中央、国务院出台一系列大学生的优惠政策,鼓励大学生进行创业和到基层锻炼等形式,以缓解大学生就业的社会问题。关键词:我国大学生、就业形势和现状、社会问题、原因及对策分析 翻译以上内容?

Since 1978, the resumption of university entrance examination, students on college students as the highest pursuit of post-graduate institutions of higher learning will be able to win the "golden rice." In order to improve the quality of the entire national, state colleges and universities in 1998, "merged", the expansion of enrollment in higher education from "elite education" to "mass education" into the past, "God's favored city" has become an extraordinary community, with the colleges and universities around the year-on-year expansion, the employment of university students have become increasingly conspicuous, especially in the current global financial crisis, under the influence can not be optimistic about the employment situation of university students, of course, but also by the central authorities, the State Council and the general concern of the community. Taking an overview of the status quo of China's university students, employment situation, social problems has risen for the near future, the CPC Central Committee and State Council issued a series of preferential policies for university students to encourage college students to entrepreneurship and grass-roots form of exercise to alleviate the social problems of employment of university students. 关键词:
China's college students, the employment situation and the status quo, social issues, causes and countermeasures analysis
第1个回答  2013-07-22
abstract : since 1978 college entrance examination has been resumed,the students take being a university student as the highest purchase ,while being admitted by famous as gaining the steady work.To improve the whole qulity of nationals,on 1998 along with the implement of merging Colleges and Universities and enlarging recruitment,high level education was transferred from elite education to mass education. The former so-called the most favored students become a common one.With the increasing enrollment yearly the contradiction of Employment of university students became more and more intense. Especially under the influence of the global financial crisis,the situation of employment of university students is not optimistic,and for granted receive general concern from Central government , the State Council and all the community of sociaty.The current status of university students and employment situation have ascended as social issues. Recently central government and State Council issue a series of preferential policies for college students,in the form of encouraging them to create business and practice in grass-roots ,so as to alleviate the social problems of employment of university students.key words: university students in our country , Employment situation and the current status , social issues, reasons and measures analysis 翻的好辛苦 ! - -!