

Hubei Provincial Museum was built in 1953. It is located in Donghu scenic area, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

 It covers an area of 81909 square meters, a building area of 49611 square meters and a exhibition hall area of 13427 square meters. It has the largest ancient musical instrument exhibition hall in China.






第1个回答  2013-07-19
  湖北省博物馆是湖北唯一的省级综合性博物馆,位于江城武汉东湖之滨,主要承担着全省文物的收藏、保管、保护、陈列展览及藏品的研究工作。馆舍占地122亩,建筑面积4万余平方米。馆舍由编钟馆、楚文化馆、综合陈列楼(在建)组成,目前本馆已拥有专业人员200余人(其中研究馆员9人,副研究馆员21人),设有办公室、陈列部、保管部、社教部、协调部、考古部、文保中心等业务部门。隶属于湖北省文化厅。  湖北省博物馆筹建于1953年,湖北省博物馆的“前身”是建国之初成立的湖北省人民科学馆,1953年3月16日经省人民政府批准,在原科学馆的基础上,成立湖北省博物馆(筹备处),并与湖北省文物管理委员会合署办公。1957年正式成立省博物馆。  该馆现已拥有馆藏文物26万余件,其中国家一级品812件,国宝级文物16件。湖北省博物馆收藏的文物既富地方特色,又具有时代特征,基本反映着湖北地区古代文化的面貌。并且,一部分器物即使在中国古代文化发展史上也居有举足轻重的地位。馆藏文物品类丰富,器类齐全,主要有陶、瓷器、青铜器、漆木器、金玉器、字画等。改写世界音乐史的世界最大青铜乐器——曾侯乙编钟、天下第一剑——越王勾践剑等为该馆的镇馆之宝。  具浓郁楚风,呈一主两翼、中轴对称的展馆现陈列着《曾侯乙墓出土文物》、《楚文化展》。  编钟馆作为湖北省博物馆展馆的一翼,于1999年1月开馆。主要展出曾侯乙墓出土的一万余件文物中包括曾侯乙编钟在内的不同类别文物的精品,基本上是一部形象地反映公元前5世纪长江中游地区的百科全书。编钟馆还专设编钟演奏厅,以曾侯乙墓出土的编钟、编磬等乐器的复制品进行演奏。  楚文化馆作为湖北省博物馆展馆的另一翼,于2005年12月开馆,陈列着《楚文化展》。楚文化作为先秦时期的一个区域文化,独具一格、自成一体、博大精深,是构成先秦华夏文明的重要组成部分。该展览分为八个部分,集中地展出湖北地区出土的楚文物精华,力求全面展示楚文化的辉煌。展品中有越王勾践剑、吴王夫差矛,还有复原的2002年在湖北枣阳九连墩发掘的楚国车马坑中的部分车马。  湖北省博物馆还有着较强的研究力量,历年来出版了一系列研究著作,主要有《云梦睡虎地秦墓》、《睡虎地秦简文字编》,《曾侯乙墓》、《曾侯乙编钟研究》、《曾侯乙墓文物艺术》、《中国文物考古之美--地下乐宫》、《中国湖北出土文物》、《湖北省博物馆》等。在文物保护的研究方面也较为突出,如饱水竹简脱水处理、饱水漆器脱水处于国内领先水平。The Hubei Province museum is the Hubei only provincial level comprehensive museum, shore of located at the Jiangcheng Wuhan East Lake, is mainly undertaking the entire province cultural relic collection, the storage, the protection, the exhibition display and the holding research work. The dwelling occupies a land area of 122 Chinese acres, the floor space 40,000 square meters. The dwelling by the chime hall, the Chu cultural building, the synthesis exhibition building (is constructing) is composed, at present this hall had the specialists 200 people (research librarian 9 people, vice-research librarian 21 people), are equipped with the office, the exhibition department, the storage department, society the ministry of education, the association to transfer to another department, the archaeology department, the article to guarantee Business agencies and so on center. Subordinates in the Hubei Province cultural department. the Hubei Province museum construction in 1953, the Hubei Province museum “the predecessor” was the Hubei Province people science building which at the beginning of the founding of the nation established, on 1953 March 16 authorized Japan economy (stock) the Provincial people's government, in the original science building's foundation, established the Hubei Province museum (preparatory office), and was managed together the work with the Hubei Province cultural relic Management committee. in 1957 established the province museum officially.
第2个回答  2015-03-06
Hubei Provincial Museum, located in the Wuchang District of Wuhan, Hubei Province, is the only provincial comprehensive museum in the province. It collects, protects, and exhibits the cultural relics discovered in the province. Since 1953, it has collected over 200,000 cultural relics, including pottery, porcelains, jade, bronze vessels, ancient weapons, and ancient musical instruments. Among these cultural relics, 812 are listed as first-class relics of China, and 16 are considered national treasures.

This museum is divided into three parts: the Chime Bells Exhibition Hall, the Chu (a state in the Spring and Autumn Period (770BC-476BC)) Culture Exhibition Hall, and the Comprehensive Exhibition Building. The Comprehensive Exhibition is still under construction at the present time.

The Chime Bells Exhibition Hall contains two parts: the Exhibition Hall and the Music Hall. In the Exhibition Hall, you can see many cultural relics that have been unearthed from the tomb of Yi (the king of the Zeng Sate in the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), such as the exquisite bronze vessel known as 'Crane Standing on the Antler', ancient halberds, triangle-shaped swords called Shu, and the bamboo slips that were used for writing on in ancient times. The most famous treasure is the Chime Bells, which is the largest bronze musical instrument ever discovered. With a set of bells of different sizes, it can play various tones of the musical scale, and the timbre is quite beautiful. There are about 3,000 ancient Chinese characters on the bells, describing the music and the owner of this instrument. In the Music Hall, musicians wearing ancient clothes play a replica of the Chime Bells two times a day, at 11:00 and 16:00. You will surely be enchanted by the ancient beautiful music, which has been played overseas on many occasions.
The Chu Culture Exhibition Hall features the regional culture of the Chu State. Most of the cultural relics displayed here are bronze vessels, lacquer works, bamboo and wooden artifacts, and silk knitted products. You can also see various ancient weapons of the Chu State such as the sword of Gou Jian (the king of the Yue State in the Spring and Autumn Period) and the shaft of Fu Chai (the king of the Wu State in the Spring and Autumn Period). In 2002, archaeologists discovered pieces of chariots and horses of the Chu State. After careful restoration, some of the chariots and horses are now displayed in this hall. In addition to the unearthed cultural relics, some restored models of the houses in which Chu people lived are shown to the visitors to give them more direct impression of the ancient Chu people's lives.

There are also antique stores in the museum. After you visit the two exhibition halls, you can buy some souvenirs if you like.

It covers an area of 81909 square meters, a building area of 49611 square meters and a exhibition hall area of 13427 square meters. It has the largest ancient musical instrument exhibition hall in China.湖北省博物馆筹建于1953年,坐落于湖北省武汉市武昌区东湖风景区,占地面积81909平方...


湖北省博物馆好玩吗 湖北省博物馆游览攻略



湖北博物馆藏品丰富,其中最著名的当属“曾侯乙编钟”,这是一套战国早期的青铜乐器,被誉为“中国古代音乐史上的奇迹”。此外,还有“越王勾践剑”、“吴王夫差矛”等国宝级文物,都非常值得一看。5. 导览服务:博物馆提供中英文导览服务,可以在入口处租用语音导览器,或者下载博物馆的官方APP进行自助...

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