

Is rich in tourism resources, opening up to more than 200 tourist attractions, has the world's largest palace the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven Temple of Heaven, the Royal Garden, the North Sea, the Royal Summer Palace and the Yuanmingyuan Garden, as well as the Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall, as well as the world's largest sites, such as courtyard Prince Gong House. Antiquities and monuments throughout the city a total of 7309, which has six World Heritage sites, two national key scenic spots, a National Historical and Cultural Cities (Beijing), a Chinese history and culture of the village (under Cuan village), 99 key national heritage conservation units (including the Great Wall and Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to Beijing), the 326 municipal units to be protected.
World Heritage: the National Palace Museum (the world's cultural heritage, 1987), the Great Wall (World Heritage, 1987), Peking Man Ruins at Zhoukoudian (World Heritage, 1987), Temple of Heaven (World Heritage, 1998), the Summer Palace (World Cultural Heritage, 1998), Ming Ming Tombs (World Cultural Heritage, 2003)
Humanities Attractions:
Forbidden City, Great Wall, the Peking Man Ruins at Zhoukoudian, the Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Ming Tombs,Yuanmingyuan, Marco Polo Bridge, Mutianyu Great Wall,the Great Wall, Jinshanling Great Wall, Pass Great Wall, Great Wall,
第1个回答  2013-08-07
The Temple of Heaven is a worthwhile visiting place in Beijing. It is much bigger than the Forbidden City and smaller than the Summer Palace with an area of about 2,700,000 square meters. The Temple was built in 1420 A.D. during the Ming Dynasty to offer sacrifice to Heaven. As Chinese emperors called themselves 'The Son of Heaven' ,they dared not to build their own dwelling,'Forbidden City' bigger than a dwelling for Heaven.
The Temple of Heaven is enclosed with a long wall. The northern part within the wall is semicircular symbolizing the heavens and the southern part is square symbolizing the earth. The northern part is higher than the southern part. This design shows that the heaven is high and the earth is low and the design reflected an ancient Chinese thought of 'The heaven is round and the earth is square'.

When I think of Shanghai, I think of The Bund on the Pu-Xi side looking across at the Disney'esque future world of Pu-Dong. This was the first spot that I hit when I arrived in Shanghai and have to say the view lived up to my expectations and left me in awe. The view is almost surreal and personally, I can stare at it for hours. Maybe cause I'm a techie and love that kind of stuff. I love modern. But I also love history and if you walk south, you can get a good view of the old Pu-Xi side and take some good pictures with the old buildings. The Pu-Dong side is nice too. Some nice restaurants there and I had dinner at one of them. Great view at night and more photo ops. My only pet peeves were the agressive beggars and hawkers. Also, I wish there were more ways to access the Bund promenade rather than the 1 or 2 underground access paths. One time I had to dash across the wide 8-lane road because I didn't want to walk all the way to the underground path. Perhaps they are building pedestrian crossings. There was some construction going on at the time.