for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. When we asked about studying
SA3A : How do you learn best?This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. Many said they learnt by using English.Some students had more specific suggestions. Lillian Lian,for example,said the best way to learn new words was b...
九年级上册英语第一单元第六页3A的翻译人教版的。。。last year...
回答:题目:我是如何快速学会学习英语的 正文:去年我上英语课很吃力。首先,当老师讲课的时候,我很难听懂他的话。开始的时候,他说得太快,我不能理解每个单词。后来我意识到如果听不懂每个单词关系不大。我也不敢在课堂上发言,因为我认为我的同学可能会嘲笑我。我也经常不能造出完整的句子。接着我开始...
求人教版2013版九年级上册sectionA 3a ,sectionB 2b全部翻译。原文也可...
手机版 我的知道 求人教版2013版九年级上册sectionA 3a ,sectionB 2b全部翻译。原文也可以。注:是最新版!是全部翻译! 我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览3 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 人教版 九年级 翻译...
谁有 人教版初三 英语第1单元section的3A课文原文
Section B 3a How I learned to learn English Last year my English class was difficult.First of all,it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked.To begin with,she spoke too quickly,and I couldn’t understand every word.Later on,I realized that it doesn’t...
last year my English class was difficlt.First of all,it wasn't easy for me to undersrand the tescher when she talked.To begin with ,she spoke too quickly,and I couldn't understand every word.Later on,I realized that it doesn't matter if ou don't understand every word.I ...
says word because of he can watch an actor. Talk sometimes, because of the people is very prompt, but, he discovers film watching frustrate. Free doctrine of Liu joins the school English club being optimum way to improve her English. The student gets a lot of practice, and the...
and they also gain delight. she has increased having a conversation with the friend but has used chinese to be not useful at all. she said 你是怎样最好地学习的?这个学期我们问了新星高中的同学们关于学习更多英语最好办法的问题。很多同学说他们考使用英语来学习。一些同学还有更详细的建议...
我的老师对我的印象非常好。my biggest problem 我最大的烦恼就是太忙了.我小的时候,曾经有很充裕的时间.但最近,我每天都早起并且整天都呆在学校.然后就是回家吃晚饭.在我上高中之前,曾经和朋友们一起度过了很多欢乐时光.但现在再也没有(玩的)时间了.以前的晚上,我经常看电视,或者是和奶奶聊天.但...
答案:(这是新版九年级的课文)杰克:安妮,我有点紧张,我必须读完一本书,以便下周一作报告。安妮:听起来不太糟糕。杰克:但我是一个读书很慢的人。安妮:一开始只管快速阅读获取文章大意就好了,不要逐字逐句的读 ,按词组阅读。杰克:但我很多单词都不懂,我不得不查字典。安妮:尽量通过阅读...