追答Lord of the Flies tells us a story about a group of English boys were shot down on a tropical island during a raging war, and their way of life and changes during the time they were on the island.
At the beginning, they tried to get the rescue, but they failed. And the boys have started to become afraid.
To my opinion, with the influence of their feelings and the surroundings, they became to adapt to the wild and brutal life as savages in the jungle. And they began to abandon civilization, morality and discipline.
Jack, one of the main characters in the novel, longs for total power. He became increasingly wild, cruel and violent as the novel progresses. He hunt a a sow and make its head impale on a stake, named The Lord of the Flies. I think it just symbolize the eager of power and cruelty that take control of Jack and his followers.
Lord of the flies的读后感
最近外教叫我们看一本小说---《Lord of the Flies》全英文的,书中文名叫《蝇王》。小说是一位英国小说家 威廉·杰拉尔德·戈尔丁·William.Golding写的,《蝇王》是一部带有神话色彩的小说,孩子是这个故事的主人公,但那并不是一般意义上的儿童文学,而是一部写给大人看的书,故事所展示的儿童世界只...
高分悬赏!名著《蝇王》的800字左右的英文读后感 !
was elected at the plenary session leaders.Children under the leadership of Ralph tent, picking fruit, lit the fire to wait for help.At first the children in an isolated island to live in harmony, and also enjoyable, but with the "beast" the emergence of a small island of pea...
《蝇王》(英语:Lord of the Flies)是威廉·高丁发表于1954年的寓言体长篇小说。小说讲述了一群被困在荒岛上的儿童在完全没有成人的引导下如何建立起一个脆弱的文明体系。最终由于人类内心的黑暗面导致这个文明体系无可避免地被野蛮与暴力所代替。威廉·高丁获得1983年诺贝尔文学奖。主要情节 故事讲述一...
英语翻译 急(一篇极为重要的读后感)
Anxious to ascertain the truth of what Simon into the forest to explore, met on the way back in the "Lord of the Flies" and that Jack was inserted in their wood piles on the pig, which has been covered with climbing above the Heihu Hu flies.Here, Simon is very clear that...
求Lord of the Flies(蝇王)读后感 英文 200字左右
求《蝇王》(the lord of the Flies)中片段的英文原版
求《蝇王》(the lord of the Flies)中片段的英文原版 20 如题,求一下几个片段的英文版:1、“我们看到了你们的烟火。……你们都是英国人吧?一群英国孩子本应能够表现得比这好些——我是说——”“起初是好的。”拉尔夫说,“后来就……”他... 如题,求一下几个片段的英文版:1、“我们看到了你们的...
lord of the flies最喜欢的一个片段 英语400字评价你对那个片段的看法...
Lord of the Flies [词典] 童年无悔; [电影] 苍蝇王;[例句]An archetypal analysis of color, water and Simon in "Lord of the Flies"原型解读《蝇王》中的颜色、水和西蒙
如何评价William golding的这段话
这是一段大部分捏造的所谓鸡汤,原话更具有社会批判性,而且只包含第一句。说这句话的时候应该是在说他的主要作品《蝇王\/Lord of the Flies》,小说描述了一个以一群小男孩为主角落在一个荒岛上的小说,构造了一个封闭的小社会,并以此探讨人性的恶的哲理问题。William Golden回答的原话是指女孩比男孩...
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