

Do not joke about the life,
Of where one or the others stand.
Because all of your belonging will just fade away,
No matter how good or sad.
Do not race,
And compare and compete with the other.
Because whatever people do to make you angry,
Just ignore, don't bother.
Do not lie,
As lies are a terrible sins.
Because the more you lie,
The more your heart pins.
So just don't do it,
My dear friend.
some stupid things is not worth much,
So just it end.
第1个回答  2013-06-10
(I will travelOver over that towerEven beyond the rainbowSuch is pover)
Cloud is raining
Drops are singing
Don’t you count,dearling
We are flying
Exchanging wing
So as our rings
I want to shouting
Let the rain pouring
So as the building
I’m figting
Never never give up trying
Don’t you see,dearling
Since it’s my means
I’m walking
On my way,dearling

第2个回答  2020-05-05
Do not joke about the life,
Of where one or the others stand.
Because all of your belonging will just fade away,
No matter how good or sad.

way,dearling 第一次尝试……真是把英语全还给中学老师了……挫败啊

Do not joke about the life,Of where one or the others stand.Because all of your belonging will just fade away,No matter how good or sad.Do not race,And compare and compete with the other.Because whatever people do to make you angry,Just ignore, don't bother.Do not lie,As...

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把钱用光。And what does baby do?婴儿做些什么?Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 本回答由网友推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论 7 1 其他回答 唉抄诗 热心网友| 发布于2013-09-11 举报| 评论 0 0 为您推荐: 英文诗歌 学生英文自创押韵诗 英文诗原创押韵 英文小诗押韵 押韵的英文歌 简单的英语...

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这首顺口溜是英语国家民间很受欢迎的鹅妈妈故事之一。Humpty-dumpty 是一只大鸡蛋。一位美丽的公主把它带进皇宫,让它坐在墙头上看国王的车队回宫。它看得太起劲了,不小心摔下来就碎了。英语里的Humpty-dumpty 比喻一经损坏就无法修复的东西。--- Never give up,Never lose hope.Always have faith,...

if I can fly fly to the top(belero)but without you I can't stay I will be down (这个不太通。。我实在不会了)I want that fly in your sky stay under your skin(篡改了一下,但中文有点。。)always believes you are my hero you know,you are my everything(豆花啊。。天道...
