

Ottawa is Canada's capital and political culture. As Canada's fourth largest city, in terms of the size of the cities or international reputation, the Ottawa were not as Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. But the unique cultural character, the beautiful scenery of the city, leisurely life of love, so that the people of Ottawa, Canada, not only by the love, and become the world's people aspire to travel and tourism cities.
第1个回答  2013-06-08



第2个回答  2013-06-08
Well, the American and Canadian cultures are rather inter-mingled. Something like 80% of all Canadians live within 100 miles of the Canada-US border, and we share a lot of the major media (movies, TV, etc), and so a lot of the obvious culture is shared.

However, if you look at a lot of the subtle differences, they are there!

Canadians on average tend to be more left-wing thinking and voting than Americans. We have a universal medicare, which to many Americans is bizarre. We embrace crown-corporations and subsidies far more than Americans do.

Canadians in general also tend to be more environmentally aware. The (in)actions of our current Conservative Government seem to go against the Canadian culture, and in fact against the censuses.

The US has been historically viewed as a "melting pot" - where new immigrants blend into the larger whole. Canada has been descriped as a mosiac - a "community of communities" and individual cultures, languages and differences are celebrated and encouraged.

There's been some amazing publications written on this very subject. One that comes to mind is Margaret Atwood's Survival.