求 莎士比亚 <<无题>> 全诗 原文


莎士比亚《无题》诗9首(4) 黄 新 渠 译 7 Thin lips red, fancy's fed With all sweets when he meets, And is granted There to trade, and is made Happy, sure, to endure still undaunted. Pretty chin doth win Of all (the world) commendations; Fairest neck, no speck; All her parts merit high admirations. 七 鲜红的薄唇交流着柔情蜜意, 承受意中人的雨露甘霖, 寻欢作乐,任意恣情 漂亮的脸颊获得天下的赞美。 最娇嫩的颈项,白璧无瑕; 她身上每一部分值得世人倾心。 8 A pretty bare, past compare, Parts those plots which besots still asunder. It is meet naught but sweet But mishap, no scape Inferior to nature's perfection; No blot, no spot: She's beauty's queen in election. 八 毫无装饰的美人,美妙绝伦, 她身上的每条曲线 浑然一体,恰到好处, 无一不令人陶醉销魂。 那是稀有的奇迹,馥郁芳香。 并无什麽不幸,一切都恰如其分, 足以使其美与自然的完美抗争。 既无污点,也无瑕斑, 她是举世拥戴的王后,绝代佳人。 9 Whilst I dreamt, I, exempt (From ) all care, seems to share Pleasures in plenty; But awake, care take------- For I find to my mind Pleasures scanty. Therefore I will try To compass my heart's chief contenting. To delay, some say, In such a case causeth repenting. Notes: Bracketed words indicate alterations to correct what appear to be errors by the copyist; "sue" in Line 5 is the most recent rendering of the text. 九 漫游幻境,心旷神怡, 我仿佛享尽了无穷的欢欣; 一觉醒来,我忧心忡忡, 却感到人间欢乐太少, 因此我要尽情享受, 以满足我饥渴的心灵。 有人说,在爱情的份上可别迟疑, 千万别让悔恨匆匆降临。
第1个回答  2013-05-30
Against that time,if ever that time come,我抗拒那一刻,如果它终将到来,When l shall see thee frown on my defects,终究看到你对我的缺点皱起了眉头,When as thy love hath cast his utmost sum,终究让你的爱花完了我最后一分钱,Call’d to that audit by advised respects;终究被顾虑逼催着清算帐目;Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass,我抗拒那一刻,当你向陌生人一样过从我身边走过,And scarcely greet me with that sun shine eye,不再用你那太阳般的眼睛向我一瞥,When love,converted from the thing it was,当爱情不再有以往的那种情谊,Shall reasons find of settled gravity;便会去编造搜罗种种借口,堂皇而庄重;Against that time do l ensconce me here,我抗拒那一刻,我务必找个地方躲一躲,Within the knowledge of mine own desert,躲进自己应得的批判的小屋,And this my hand,against my self uprear,然后举起手,当着众人宣誓,To guard the lawful reasons on thy part:为你种种合法的理由提供保障:To leave poor me thou hast the strength of laws,你有法律的保障,却将抛弃我,Since why to love l can allege no cause.为何爱你,我没有理由。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-11-15
Against that time,if ever that time come,我抗拒那一刻,如果它终将到来,When l shall see thee frown on my defects,终究看到你对我的缺点皱起了眉头,
When as thy love hath cast his utmost sum,终究让你的爱花完了我最后一分钱,Call’d to that audit by advised respects;终究被顾虑逼催着清算帐目;
Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass,我抗拒那一刻,当你向陌生人一样过从我身边走过,
And scarcely greet me with that sun shine eye,不再用你那太阳般的眼睛向我一瞥,
When love,converted from the thing it was,当爱情不再有以往的那种情谊,
Shall reasons find of settled gravity;便会去编造搜罗种种借口,堂皇而庄重;Against that time do l ensconce me here,我抗拒那一刻,我务必找个地方躲一躲,
Within the knowledge of mine own desert,躲进自己应得的批判的小屋,
And this my hand,against my self uprear,然后举起手,当着众人宣誓,
To guard the lawful reasons on thy part:为你种种合法的理由提供保障:
To leave poor me thou hast the strength of laws,你有法律的保障,却将抛弃我,
Since why to love l can allege no cause.为何爱你,我没有理由。
第3个回答  2015-11-06
gainst that time,if ever that time come,
When l shall see thee frown on my defects,
When as thy love hath cast his utmost sum,
Call’d to that audit by advised respects;
Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass,
And scarcely greet me with that sun shine eye,
When love,converted from the thing it was,
Shall reasons find of settled gravity;
Against that time do l ensconce me here,
Within the knowledge of mine own desert,
And this my hand,against my self uprear,
To guard the lawful reasons on thy part:
To leave poor me thou hast the strength of laws,
Since why to love l can allege no cause.

求 莎士比亚 <<无题>> 全诗 原文
fancy's fed With all sweets when he meets, And is granted There to trade, and is made Happy, sure, to endure still undaunted. Pretty chin doth win Of

求 莎士比亚 <<无题>> 全诗 原文
Against that time,if ever that time come,我抗拒那一刻,如果它终将到来,When l shall see thee frown on my defects,终究看到你对我的缺点皱起了眉头,When as thy love hath cast his utmost sum,终究让你的爱花完了...


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