

In my perspective, working in some developed western countries is far better than working here in China.
First of all, in terms of currency ratio, the basic salary level in those countries are generally higher than that of China. For example, the lowest hourly wage for an worker in American is 7 dollar, but the lowest wage here in China could be as low as 10 yuan per hour.
Furthermore, developed countries has more comprehensive social security policy, such as labor insurance. Some companies even forbid their employees to work extra hours as they view it as a violation of fair competition.
Last but not least, the management system of developed countries are more humanitarian that in our country. The employers in those countries are more respective to its employee's work. Workers wont be humiliated as a fool.
Based on all reasons I have stated above, I believe that working in developed countries enjoys many benefit, such as social welfare, respect and better payment. However, if one is working in undeveloped foreign countries, his situation may not be better than working in China.

In my perspective, working in some developed western countries is far better than working here in China.First of all, in terms of currency ratio, the basic salary level in those countries are generally higher than that of China. For example, the lowest hourly wage for an worker ...

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