

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
歌名:Midnight Rider
填词:Linda Hennrick
can you feel a rumbling
it's building up like thunder inside you
feel the earth is quaking
the air itself is shaking around you
shadows on the moon
someone's coming very soon you will meet him
the midnight rider comes for you
now is the time, you know it's right
it is your destiny
and there'll be no more turning back
so take your place in history
when he ride, ride, rides across the sky
you know that something has got to change
when he ride, ride, rides out of the night
don't be afraid when he comes calling your name
when he ride, ride, rides into your life
you know that nothing will be the same
don't try to hide, you can't escape the fate he brings to you
midnight rider, midnight rider
you know what it means now
you've always had a dream you've been after
still you can't believe it
your dreams are all beginning to happen
over the horizon
no need to be surprised when you see him
the midnight rider comes for you本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-06-10
midnight rider
第3个回答  2013-04-01
午夜骑士 Nidnight rider

歌名:Midnight Rider 歌手:谭咏麟 作曲:芹泽广明 填词:Linda Hennrick 编曲:大谷和夫 歌词:can you feel a rumbling it's building up like thunder inside you feel the earth is quaking the air itself is shaking around you shadows on the moon someone's coming very soon you will m...

午夜骑士英文版 曲名:Midnight rider 歌手:谭咏麟 专辑:Thunder Arm 作词:Linda Hennrick 作曲:芹泽广明 编曲:大谷和夫 Can you feel a rumbling It's building up like thunder inside you Feel the earth is quaking The air itself is shaking around you Shadows on the moon Someone's c...

午夜骑士英文版 曲名:Midnight rider 歌手:谭咏麟 专辑:Thunder Arm 作词:Linda Hennrick 作曲:芹泽广明 编曲:大谷和夫 Can you feel a rumbling It's building up like thunder inside you Feel the earth is quaking The air itself is shaking around you Shadows on the moon Someone's c...

罗娜被绑架时候,阿伦在舞台上唱《午夜骑士》的英文版本《midnight rider》 ,然后和杰基、阿梅一起驾车去找上帝武装的路上,播放的是谭咏麟的《朋友》,结局杰基成功把上帝武装找到并从热气球逃离时候,片尾曲是谭咏麟的《暴风女神Lorelei》歌词:《midnight rider》can you feel a rumbling it's buildin...

谭咏麟1986“万众狂欢”演唱会,第二首曲目演唱《午夜骑士》(粤语)1985年谭咏麟与日本的谷村新司、韩国的赵容弼在香港举行的亚洲和平音乐会,谭咏麟演唱《午夜骑士》英文版《midnight rideer》电影中的是英文版

里面就这三首,你自己听下是那首,我也记不得了1.午夜骑士(ALAN 开演唱会时唱)2.朋友(行车时唱)3.暴风女神(NG镜头时唱)

midnight rider 粤语 午夜骑士 http:\/\/v.youku.com\/v_show\/id_XMTcxMzE4NTg4.html

《龙兄虎弟》这部电影里有三首歌曲都是谭咏麟唱的,插曲两首分别是《Midnight rider 》与《朋友》,主题曲是《暴风女神》。你说的肯定是《Midnight rider 》,这是英语歌曲,还有粤语版的名字叫《午夜骑士》。《Midnight rider 》的试听地址:http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=...

一共三首咯(我记得上次有回答过类似问题)1.午夜骑士(校长开演唱会时唱,帅!)[我知楼主要的是这首的英文版啦]2.朋友(行车时唱)3.暴风女神(NG镜头时唱)午夜骑士的英文版叫〈Midnight rider〉

和成龙演的,不是刘德华 歌曲:Midnight rider 歌手:谭咏麟 歌词:作词:linda hennrick 作曲:芹泽广明 编曲:大谷和夫 can you feel a rumbling it's building up like thunder inside you feel the earth is quaking the air itself is shaking around you shadows on the moon someone's coming very...
