地震自救英语作文初中(一)On April 20th, a devastating earthquake struck Yaan. Countless homes were reduced to rubble and many lives were lost. Survivors lost everything they possessed. The situation was dire. To save more lives, the government sent doctors, and numerous supplies were...
地震自救 英语作文 初中(一)There was a big earthquake on April 20th in Yaan . Many houses were broken into pieces and lots of people lost their lives. Some people survived but they lost everything they had. The situation was very serious. To save more people’s lives...
I think the speech is vesy useful and all of u need know what to do during an earthquake.。 6.关于地震自救的英语作文 见\/translate_t?sl=zh-CN&tl=zh-CN# 你说中文,它现英文 Sometimes I think it is funny how folks forget that the Earth is in constant motion, slow motion yes, but ...
find some safe place to stay and don‘t run in such a hurry. If in the room, one should hide himself\/herself under something hard, such as desk, table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,
Xiao LIn escaped an earthquake and he would like to share his experiences to teach us how to save ourselves when there's an earthquake.The first thing is keeping calm.As soon as Xiao Lin realised that this was an earthquak,he hid under the desk .The second thing is to save ...
英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的雅安地震英语作文:学生地震避险自救常识,供大家参考:) Earthquake self-rescue knowledge of hedge 公共场所如何个人防护 Public places to personal protection 在群众集聚的公共场所遇到地震时,最忌慌乱,而应有组织地从多路口快速疏散,否则将造成秩序混乱,相互压挤而导致人员...
4. 地震自救英语作文4o字 If earthquake happened,firstly,don't panic and calm down.Secondly,find some safe place to stay and don't run in such a hurry.If in the room,one should hide himself\/herself under something hard,such as desk,talbe or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupbo...
震后自救 地震时如被埋压在废墟下,周围又是一片漆黑,只有极小的空间,你一定不要惊慌,要沉着,树立生存的信心,相信会有人来救你,要千方百计保护自己。 地震后,往往还有多次余震发生,处境可能继续恶化,为了免遭新的伤害,要尽量改善自己所处环境。此时,如果应急包在身旁,将会为你脱险起很大作用。 在这种极不利的...
如在街道上遇到地震,应用手护住头部,迅速远离楼房,到街心一带。如在郊外遇到地震,要注意远离山崖,陡坡,河岸及高压线等。正在行驶的汽车和火车要立即停车。 四、被埋要保存体力。如果震后不幸被废墟埋压,要尽量保持冷静,设法自救。无法脱险时,要保存体力,尽力寻找水和食物,创造生存条件,耐心等待救援。 五、手机和...
下周你校将举办地震自救,自护知识演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿,谈谈学 ...
地震发生后,慌慌张张地向外跑,碎玻璃、屋顶上的砖瓦、广告牌等掉下来砸在身上,是很危险的。此外,水泥预制板墙、自动售货机等也有倒塌的危险,不要靠近 这些物体。 4.将门打开,确保出口 钢筋水泥结构的房屋等,由于地震的晃动会造成门窗错位,打不开门,曾经发生有人被封闭在屋子里的事例。请将门...