
There may be echoes in today's Asia of the
late-nineteenth century in Europe and North America, but this is the one
critical difference.

There may be echoes in today's Asia of the late-nineteenth century in Europe and North America, but this is the one critical difference.

Its"peaceful rise" is not taking place in isolation. There may be echoesin today's Asia of the late-nineteenth century in Europe and North America, butthis is the one critical difference. The United States came into its own as agreat power without any major challenge from its neighbors, while Germany'sascent was aided by the collapsing Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires andRussian monarchy on its frontiers. China, on the other hand, is surrounded byvibrant countries with fast-growing economies, from South Korea to India toVietnam, who all believe that this is their time, as well. Even Japan, aftertwo decades of stagnation, still has one of the most formidable navies in theworld, as well as the world's third largest economy. China's strategicmisfortune is to be bordered by robust and proud nation-states which expecttheir own stake in the modern world.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~倾情奉献 满意请采纳 好问好纳 再问不难~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
第1个回答  2013-04-03
第2个回答  2013-04-03
第3个回答  2013-04-03

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-- Oh, dear! Is it as bad as that? ( 有那样糟吗?)---我认为你在给史密斯先生看之前把这份信重打一次。---我的天啊,有那么糟糕吗?2. My English teacher’s humor was such as to make every student burst into laughter.我的英语老师很幽默,他总是让全班学生哄堂大笑。3. Isn...

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