(1) For the purpose of according to the diplomatic mission and consular posts of any foreign state, and persons connected therewith, treatment that is comparable to the treatment accorded to the Canadian diplomatic mission and Canadian consular posts in that foreign state, and persons connected therewith, the Minister of Foreign Affairs may, by order, with respect to that state’s diplomatic mission and any of its consular posts, and any person connected therewith
The Minister of Foreign Affairs may, by order, authorize the detention by officers under the Customs Act of goods imported by a diplomatic mission or consular post of a foreign state for any period during which, in the opinion of the Minister, the foreign state applies any of the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations restrictively with the result that the privileges and immunities accorded to that state’s diplomatic mission and consular posts in Canada exceed those accorded to a Canadian diplomatic mission and Canadian consular posts in that foreign state.
representatives of a foreign state that is a member of an international organization headquartered in Canada, and members of their families forming part of their households, shall, to the extent specified in the order, have privileges and immunities comparable to the privileges and immunities accorded to diplomatic representatives, and members of their families forming part of their households, in Canada under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations;
it is not suit to cet.
1. The out-urban intersection can be sought from a look,out of the window, at the harmony between dwellers and habitations.介词很好,我喜欢!意思理解得还行吧?2.穿过城市的边缘,看见的是窗外穿插的节奏。这种穿插的乐趣让你的旅行充满这城市的诱惑 Through the outskirts of the city, catch...
roar of their homes and families endowed with strong protective instincts, there is a strong hostility to strangers, but the owner loyalty, extremely affectionate, with King of the despot, known as the king of dogs, Tibetan mastiff has become a symbol of security and wealth....
I've learnt that I couldn't qualify for the training in the US,这么多天来,我的心里一直很难受,也感觉这件事对我的打击很大。which have pushed me under suffering and overwhelming.我真的想给自己找一个说服自己的理由,好让自己好过一点,可我找不到。How I wish to find a reason ...
焦糖布丁 Caramel pudding 黑桃派 Send spade 琪淋脆饼糕 Qi Lin shortbread cake 黄桃布丁 Yellow peach pudding 猪皮 Pigskin 黑椒鸡心 Black Pepper Jixin.鸡肉青椒串 Green pepper chicken string 德国咸猪蹄 Germany Ham Pig 三月瓜 March melon 椒盐鸡翅 Salt and pepper chicken wings ...
night, and I haven't got any food and drink for today. I have been smoking and crying all day along, and feeling I am dying.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。你没事吧?不是你自己吧?注意身体。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。
584--我发誓,568217--我想陪你一起 7778---去吹吹风,12234--要让爱相随 1798-- 一起走吧,76868---去溜达溜达,587129955---我不介意你久久吻我 829475---被爱就是幸福 连起来就是:我发誓,我想陪你一起 去吹吹风,要让爱相随,一起走吧,去溜达溜达,我不介意你久久吻我,被爱就是...
)Your acknowledgement of receipt will be much appreciated.您收到此信后如能知会我们,我们将不胜感激。Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.如果您有任何其他疑问,请随时与我们联系。Thanks with regards,感谢并致意 Regards,xxx xxx 敬上 ...