
The earthquake struck like a heart attack: it was sudden, unexpected and fatal. That Monday had been just a normal day for the people of Sichuan until, in the middle of a quiet spring afternoon, the earth began to shake violently. It lasted only a minute, perhaps even less, but in that short time their lives had been changed forever.
Sichuan is located in the centre of China, its heart really. When people in the rest of China first heard about the earthquake they weren’t too concerned. They were more surprised that buildings in Beijing and Shanghai had been shaken by it. It wasn’t until the next day that people began to realize just how big the disaster was: the thousands of lives lost, the hundreds of thousands of people injured, the millions of people left homeless.
There was shock, of course, but the shock didn’t last long. China is not a stranger to hardship and disaster, after all, and the Spring Festival snowstorms were still fresh in everyone’s minds. The government began an immediate rescue and recovery operation by sending thousands of army troops to the area. Local officials gathered men and machines to clear away fallen buildings and look for survivors. Doctors and nurses began working night and day to save lives.
The rest of the country responded quickly and generously. People began donating much needed food, water and blankets to be sent to the area. And every office, factory and school in the country began collecting money to help the earthquake victims. It was proof, once again, that in times of trouble the people of China open their hearts to each other.
Today, the heart of China is still beating but it is beating sadly. The people of Sichuan have suffered a great loss. Parents have lost children; children have lost parents. It will take years for them to recover.

The earthquake struck like a heart attack: it was sudden, unexpected and fatal. That Monday had been just a normal day for the people of Sichuan until, in the middle of a quiet spring afternoon, the earth began to shake violently. It lasted only a minute, perhaps even less, but in that short time their lives had been changed forever.
地震来了,仿佛心脏病发作了一般:它致命、突然,让人猝不及防。在这个宁静的春天,一个周一的中午十分,地震突然的狂摇大地,让四川老百姓觉得这个原本平凡的周一不再平凡。剧烈的摇晃只持续了大约1分钟,或者更少,但是就在这短短的时间内 ,他们的命运永远的发生了改变。
Sichuan is located in the centre of China, its heart really. When people in the rest of China first heard about the earthquake they weren’t too concerned. They were more surprised that buildings in Beijing and Shanghai had been shaken by it. It wasn’t until the next day that people began to realize just how big the disaster was: the thousands of lives lost, the hundreds of thousands of people injured, the millions of people left homeless.
There was shock, of course, but the shock didn’t last long. China is not a stranger to hardship and disaster, after all, and the Spring Festival snowstorms were still fresh in everyone’s minds. The government began an immediate rescue and recovery operation by sending thousands of army troops to the area. Local officials gathered men and machines to clear away fallen buildings and look for survivors. Doctors and nurses began working night and day to save lives.
The rest of the country responded quickly and generously. People began donating much needed food, water and blankets to be sent to the area. And every office, factory and school in the country began collecting money to help the earthquake victims. It was proof, once again, that in times of trouble the people of China open their hearts to each other.
Today, the heart of China is still beating but it is beating sadly. The people of Sichuan have suffered a great loss. Parents have lost children; children have lost parents. It will take years for them to recover.

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