求一篇英语作文 反映初中校园生活 字数100以上 好的加分


my school life
I have studied in xxxSchool for more than one year. I enjoy all the time here because it can bring me happiness,knowledge and frendship.
There are many trees and flowers on the playground in our school. The trees are green and the flowers are beautiful. after school i often sit under the three and listen to music with my classmates,i often also play basketball with my classments,ti can make relaxing after studing for a lone time,
i really enjoy my school life . i hope everyone both enjoy their school life.
第1个回答  2013-04-29
Morning Exercises

Morning came. The bell rang. I got out of the warm cotton-padded qui]t, quickly dressed myself, ran onto the playground, and played*on the parallel bars.

A few moments later, more people Came. They exercised themselves in various ways. Some ran around the track. Some played on the horizontal bar. Still. some played basketball,trying to shoot baskets.A group of girls were walking on the balance beam by turn.A Couple of strongly-builtboys made graceful movements 0nthe flying rings. Over there, several old men and women did shadow-boxing.

At exactly 6:30, music came for people to do exercises to radio music. For ten minutes all the people on the playground were seen bending down and straightening up, turning left and right. It's really a beautiful sight to look at!本回答被网友采纳