求翻译,The size,nature and function of the amounts involved of the requirements of another IAS/IFRS will normally determine whether the disclosure is on the face of the statement of financial position or in the notes.
accounting for the allowance for receivables 也就是坏账准备,属于资产类科目应收账款的备抵科目,并不是资产类科目,不单独在报表中显示,计提时计入贷方,于资产负债表中冲减年末的应收账款 irrecoverable debts expense 不可收回的坏账费用,按照我国的会计科目分类属于‘资产减值损失’科目,费用类,增...
首先Accounting 基本公式 Assets = Liability + Equity , Equity 里包含profit, 那么:Assets = Liability + Equity + Profit 即 Assets = Liability + Equity + (Revenue - Expense),那么 Assets + Expense = Liability + Equity + Revenue 粗体公式特别重要,debit 等式左边,这些账户会增加,cr...
1 a balance sheet reports the assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity at a specific date. it shows the balance between the assets and the sum of liabilities and stockholders' equity. a balance sheet is like a snapshot of a company's financial condition at a specific moment ...
1.rent 是指租金 算是公司的expences expencesis a asset 永远属于DR side 在journal上直接开一个叫rental 的账 balance sheet 2.drawing 是提款 因为公司提款 asset=capital+liability capital 里 包含着profit 和 drawing 因为capital是CR in nature 所以 当drawing 发生时 应该是是减少了captial ...
specific应该指移动加权平均法,这个是我倒推的,因为其他四个我比较确定 identification指个别计价法,又称个别认定法、具体辩认法等 weighted average指加权平均法 FIFO(First-in,First-out)是指先进先出法 LIFO(Last-in,First-out)是指后进先出法 另外,新准则已经取消了后进先出法和移动平均法 ...
1(产品售价与其可变成本之间的)差益毛利=收入-可变成本 2 单位数目盈亏平衡点 = 固定费用\/每单位的贡献值 3 销售值盈亏平衡点=固定费用\/每单位的贡献*单位售价 至于3.2 5.4 你没说 我也就没办法回答了
会计 英语问题
3rd step: The staff of accounting department needs to check this stock-in list in ERP system with the VAT invoice from the supplier to make sure if the qtys is same. If is, the accountant may check if the unit price is as same as the ones of purchase order, and input ...
1.Motor Vehicle Hire. 就是租车的费用 2.好长...而且看到accrue就头疼 3. Corporate Tax就是企业所得税 4 Provision For Depreciation...不是累计折旧, 累计是accumulated Depn.5.对VAT没怎么研究...毕竟国家与国家之间的税制差别太大了...QUOTE:::Value Added Tax Most of the activities of...
Notes Payable………$180,000 Salaries Payable..………$9,750 Capital Stock………$310,000 Retained Earnings……….. $27,230 得到总负债及权益(与总资产相等)为:$553,080 减去剩下所有的资产项:Accounts Receivable………$7,450 Notes Receivable………..$9,500 Animals………..$189,06...