




在国外,认知无线电技术发展得则更加迅速。一个由谷歌、微软高管等组成的总统建议委员会于2012年6月提交了一份报告,探讨如何利用计算机化的无线电技术提升频谱利用效率,而这份报告中提到的技术正是认知无线电技术。一家名为xG Technology的美国公司已经为美国军方开发了一种认知无线电技术,能够用于军事基地通信。这项技术能够扫描开放的频道并清除繁忙频道的干扰,从而允许更多人同时使用。

  无线网络的演进包含了一系列能够提高频谱效率的技术,例如在LTE标准的关键技术中,OFDM、智能天线都能提升频谱效率,而这方面的新技术也是业界创新的重点。在2012年世界移动通信大会上,华为向全球展示了面向未来的Beyond LTE技术,可实现单站点30Gbps的峰值速率,比现有LTE商用网络快20倍以上。

In recent years, the substantial increase in the number of wireless users.At the same time, such as music downloads and the emergence of new business to achieve Internet access through mobile phones, the amount of data transmission in wireless infrastructure is growing.At the same time, the spectrum assigned to a wireless communication but remains unchanged.Therefore, increasing user traffic lead to wireless spectrum becomes abnormal congestion.CRS: future wireless communication systems technology development direction of the increasingly tense as the global radio spectrum resources, can improve the efficient use of radio spectrum technology in the world by the attention.In recent years, cognitive radio (CRS) is considered a can significantly improve spectrum efficiency technology favored by the industry.The basic starting point of the cognitive radio technology: wireless communication devices in licensed bands useless or only a few communication services in the case of activities, in order to improve the spectrum utilization, cognitive function can follow some kind of "opportunistic"work in the authorized band.In the spatial domain, time domain and frequency domain spectrum resources that can be utilized is referred to as "spectrum holes".Cognitive radio core idea is to make the wireless communication device has found that the spectrum holes and rational utilization of capacity.With the rapid development and wide application of mobile broadband radio technology, the growing demand for radio spectrum, and can be used more and more limited spectrum resources.CRS technology stations to take dynamic selection of available spectrum, can improve the efficiency of spectrum use, to ease the tight supply and demand contradiction of spectrum resources, so it is considered to be one of the future wireless communication systems technology development.Spectrum utilization technology as a method for improving radio station, rather than a radio services until strict restrictions on the use frequency band or the like, in order to facilitate its implementation in the future.In other countries, the development of cognitive radio technology is more rapidly.A president by Google, Microsoft executives suggested that the Committee in June 2012 submitted a report to explore the use of computerized radio technology to enhance the efficiency of spectrum use, the technologies mentioned in this report is the cognitiveradio technology.The company called XG Technology of the United States has a cognitive radio technology developed for the U.S. military can be used for the communication of military bases.This technology makes it possible to scan the channel open and clear the busy channel interference, allowing more people to use at the same time.The evolution of the wireless network that contains a series of technology to improve the spectrum efficiency, OFDM, smart antennas can improve spectral efficiency, for example, in the key technologies of the LTE standard, this new technology is the industry's innovation.In the 2012 Mobile World Congress, Huawei to showcase the future of Beyond LTE technology can achieve single-site 30Gbps peak rate more than 20 times faster than existing commercial LTE network.你不信就算了