【 高分追加 !】Say it isn't so 中文歌词翻译
没有圣诞老人 这只是一个谎言 没有人在月球上 只是一个大光在天空中飞翔 我听说迪斯尼乐园 可能失去的米老鼠 在一些高大的敌对的企业 告诉我这是一场噩梦 请叫醒我 (说它不是如此)。我发现一本书的比赛 我们从未从某处 你怎么挂电话了吗 我一走进来 昨晚我做过这样的梦 我不想失去你 我醒来一...
Gareth Gates的Say it isn't so的英文歌词到底是什么,网上怎么有多种版...
应该是tempt to find 和with hope this time 试着去寻找至少我们努力过 这次我们仍怀有希望 全歌的翻译:天空变的黑暗 要下雨了 最后一通电话,你乘上火车 驶向明天 我挥手向昨天再见 你掩盖脸颊拭去泪水 悲伤模糊了眼睛 我如何再像以前一样微笑 当你不在爱我的时候 说不是这样的 告诉我你不会离...
Say It Isn't So的英文歌词和中文翻译
so you say you need time some time on your own you wanna work things out no i don't understand why but baby i'll try been waiting all my life so before you go won't you let me know is this the end just say that it isn't so tell me that you love me just like ...
Say It Isn't So的英文歌词和中文翻译
Say it isn't so (don't give up on me)这不是真的,别放弃我 Say it isn't so (don't give up on you)这不是真的,绝不放弃你 Get me through the night (we'll make it through)陪我度过长夜,我们共同度过难关 Make everything alright (couldn't be, not you)告诉我一切依然...
say it isn't so歌词的翻译
say it isn't so-gareth gates的完整歌词啊?
even when you feel like you don't belong even when you fall and it all goes wrong you know that I'm with you that I'm with you all the time say a little prayer for the restless heart we shall never ever drift apart know that I'm with you know that I'm with you w...
Say It Ain't so Bad - Brandon & Leah 英文歌词跟中文翻译
Say it ain’t so, say it ain’t so bad 重整旗鼓,这不算什么 No matter where you go don't be scared 不论你身在何处,别害怕 Say it ain’t so, say it ain't so bad 重整旗鼓,这不算什么 The more you think, the worse you feel 想得越多,就越难受 The less you do,...
five - don't wanna let you go:经典!!5.0 five - when the lights go out:5.0 five-closer to me:慢歌,还是不错滴。4.0 five and queen-we will rock you:最好的版本,实在是好。5.0 G Gareth Gates-anyone of us:最近很红的歌曲,不过确实好听。4.5 gareth gates-say it isn`t so:风格与上面很...
求jason mraz的please don't tell her歌词中文翻译
Say it isn't so How she easily come, and she easy go Please don't tell her that I've been meaning to miss her Because I don't 请告诉我不是我想象的这样 她在我面前如此地来去自由 请不要告诉她我曾企图想念过她 因为我没有 She was the girl with the broadest shoulders But ...
75. Say It Isn't So--bon jovi硬汉唱的柔情歌曲也蛮感人的嘛~~ 76. now and forever--richard max可能大家很少听他的歌吧`~`其实他的歌真的很不错!希望能和大家一起分享啊! 77. angle of mine一个很老的乐队唱的,具体名字我忘了,超好听。 78. dream cranberries就是大名鼎鼎的卡百利乐队 ...这首...