

、准备材料 1.Preparation material
带皮鸡腿肉块(或用整个鸡腿去骨)1000克 1000 gram belt skin chicken leg flesh lump
面包(可到超市买切片状面包) 数片Several slice of breads 西红柿(切片) 2个 Two tomato(Slice ) 生菜(切条) 100克 Hectogram greens (Cuts the strip )
沙拉酱 1瓶 Bottle of salad dressings
2、配制腌料 2.Configuration salt material

姜粉 2克 Two gram Jiang Fen
蒜粉 2克 Two gram garlic powder
鸡粉 2克 Two gram chicken powder
辣椒粉 1克Gram chili powder
胡椒粉 0.3克 0.3 grams ground pepper
食盐 6克 Six grams table salt
味精 0.4克0.4 Monosodium glutamate
酱油 20克20 grams soy sauce
水 50克 50 gram water
将以上配料全部溶入水中,制成腌汁A。Merges water completely the above ingredient ,Makes salt juice A
3、腌制鸡腿肉块 3.Souse chicken leg flesh lump

将上述腌汁A倒入一个干净的保鲜袋中,然后将鸡腿块放进保鲜袋,再把保鲜袋打结以防腌汁漏出,将保鲜袋反复搅动半小时,再静置1小时左右 ,以便腌汁充分渗入鸡腿肉Pours into one above salt juice A cleanly to maintain freshness in the bag ,Then admits the chicken leg block maintains freshness the bag ,Maintains freshness the bag to tie a knot again by against salt juice leaks off ,Settles again about for 1 hour ,So that salt juice full permeating chicken leg meat

4、制作汉堡 4.Manufactures Hamburg

(1)将腌制好的鸡腿肉于平底锅中煎熟; Fries ripe the souse good chicken leg meat in the flat-bottomed pan
(2)去2片面包放锅上热1分钟;Goes to two slice of breads to put on the pot the hot one minute
(2)取一片面包(作底部)涂上一层沙拉酱,然后放上3片西红柿,少量生菜,再涂上少量沙拉酱,放上以熟的鸡腿块,涂上一点沙拉酱,最后盖上一片面包Takes a slice of bread (to make base) to spread salad dressing ,Then puts three piece of tomato ,Few greens ,Spreads the few salad dressings again ,Puts by the ripe chicken leg block ,Spreads salad dressing ,Finally covers a slice of bread 中文资料是我在网上找的英文是我自己译的花了我不少时间,希望能得到你的认可....(*^__^*)