

In today's world, effective communication has become an indispensable skill. In various fields, including politics, business, education, and even interpersonal communication, being able to deliver powerful speeches is extremely important. Therefore, being an excellent presenter or public speaker is a significant attribute that can lead to success in many areas of life.

Firstly, an exceptional speaker must have a strong command of the English language. Being able to speak fluently and coherently are vital aspects of any speech, and particularly in the case of English-speaking audiences. They should be able to use the appropriate vocabulary to convey their message effectively and maintain the attention of the audience throughout the presentation.
Secondly, an excellent speaker is a master in structuring their speech. A well-structured speech can convey the intended message effectively, regardless of the topic or the audience. A properly organized speech has three essential components: an introduction, a central message, and a conclusion. These three parts should give clear and concise information about the topic and persuade the audience to take action.
Thirdly, a good speaker should have excellent presentation skills. This includes good posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and proper use of hand gestures. A confident and authoritative appearance is crucial for maintaining audience engagement, and these nonverbal cues can speak volumes.
Finally, an excellent speaker should be knowledgeable about the topic or subjects they are presenting. They should be well-read, well-informed and able to answer any questions that the audience may have. Furthermore, the speaker should ensure that they share accurate and reliable information to avoid misleading the audience. In addition, the speaker should try to connect with the audience and establish a connection. Making jokes or sharing personal anecdotes can make the presentation engaging and enjoyable.
In conclusion, being an excellent speaker requires honing several skills such as fluency in the language, structure of the speech, presentation skills, and knowledge of the topic. These attributes can make any speaker impressive and engaging, allowing them to become successful in many fields.

being an excellent presenter or public speaker is a significant attribute that can lead to success in many areas of life.一个优秀的演讲者英语作文Firstly, an exceptional speaker must have a strong command of the English language. Being able to speak fluently and coherently are vital a...

关于如何做一个好的演讲 的大学英语作文 Rememberwheninelementaryschoolteachersintheclassroomtous,ourdreamiswhat,whydoyoulikethisdream,thishowtofinishtoyourdreams,wealsowroteourdreamiswhat,rememberthatIwriteisIhaveadream,thatis,whentheteacher,becausetheteachercaneducationinnumerabletheblossomofmotherland,teacher'slov...

Very simple--->Learn from Obama. He's definitely one of the greatest speakers ever in the world. You can tell from his charm and verbal dexterity. The way he articulated his visions of the future, the way he addressed the public with urbanity, and the way he said "Yes, we...

英文作文及翻译 一个优秀的名人演讲者应具备的能力
people can make their own choice and decide to talk to the one they like.

可以用淡定,不紧张,流利,声音嘹亮,有说服力来形容。calm not nervous very fluent loud voice persuasive 紧张不好发挥啊,所以要淡定啊!流利和声音洪亮是每个演讲人必备的基本条件啊。演讲内容如果没有说服力,就得不到认同或者不能达到说服别人的目的呗。




我们不需要每个人都成为一个优秀的英语演讲者 We don't need everyone to be a good English speaker Everyone don't need to be a good english speaker If you accept my answer Please give me a Thumbs up 满意,请采纳关注 ...

讲者在一举手一投足间都应讲究文明礼貌,彬彬有礼。4 、伦理道德。演讲者必 须具备高尚的伦理观、恋爱观、婚姻观,以此才能把正确的伦理观念传播给听 众。第三、演讲者要有丰富的学识 演讲者要有丰富的学识,不仅是“传道、授业、解惑”的需要,也是演讲 成功的基本条件。古今中外的演讲家无一不是学...
