有谁能帮忙用英文翻译这句话呢? “如果您方便的话,能否通过USPS邮寄给我,费用是多少?”


Would you please send it to me by USPS? And please advise how much it costs. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
第1个回答  2011-09-23
If you are convenient, can be mailed to me by USPS, cost?
第2个回答  2011-09-23
Would you please send the stuff by USPS and quote the postage to me?
第3个回答  2011-09-23
Could you send it to us by USPS if it is convenient for you, and how much is the rate?
第4个回答  2011-09-23
If convenient, can you post to me by USPS and how must it costs?

Would you please send it to me by USPS? And please advise how much it costs. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

我这两天也遇见了,不要信,我和他说中国人善良但中国人不傻。刚开始说的有板有眼,还honey honey的叫,这么大岁数了,真的是厉害,后来说他自己受伤了,中了枪伤。另外大量现金,通过快递包裹邮寄,可能会违反中国的外汇管制规定,海关一旦检查发现,就会没收现金的。
